Reviews – Tries Hard to Look Authentic

main page is an online pharmacy that claims to be one of the world’s biggest distributors of generic drugs with no evidence offered to back up this claim. In the header of the website, they are three buttons that allow you to view your account, log in as well as register an account on this site. Registering an account on this site comes with a lot of benefits such as being able to view your past and current orders as well as access to extra saving opportunities. In this review article, we are going to be conducting an investigation in this pharmaceutical site and presenting you with our findings so you can see if this online drugstore is actually safe to use.

Domain Details
Date of Registry2019-01-25
CountryUnited States
Main Details
Drugstore NameArrow Meds
Regulatory Approvals
LegitScriptRogue status
Contact Info
Free Number
Contact Form
Shipping Methods
Standard Mail
Express Delivery
Free Shipping
Payment Options
E-Check or Personal Check
American Express, Western Union

Domain Info

The domain for this pharmacy website was initially registered on the 25th of January 2019 and last updated on the 21st of January 2020.

registered in 2019

The site is quite young and it is the first red flag. Furthermore, the domain is set to expire on the 25th of January 2024.

No information is available on the online pharmacy itself about when it was founded and how long it has been operating for, instead of this in the footer of the site, it just says the copyright of the site was last updated in the year 2020.

Business Profile

This drugstore website is registered through a third-party company called Privacy Hero Inc. which is based in the Turks and Caicos Islands which are an Overseas British Territory. By doing this, the owners of this online pharmacy are able to hide the identity of themselves and also of their company which is illegal.

only 44% of trust

On ScamAdviser, this pharmaceutical website has a trust score of 44% which means that there is a considerable scam risk identified.

Regulatory Approval

When we checked the websites of leading regulatory bodies in Canada and the United States such as the CPA, MIPA, and CIPA we were not able to find any evidence that showed that this e-commerce pharmacy is an approved member of any of them.


LegitScript, this drugstore website is labeled as ‘rogue’ for not being an approved member of any regulatory bodies and also using a third-party company to hide information about the company behind the website.

Products and Pricing

Hundreds of products are available for sale on this drugstore website, every single product has its very own page that includes detailed information about each product such as the dosage, the manufacturer and even information about the packaging.

Best-Selling Products on This Platform

Moreover, customers of this online pharmacy are able to qualify for big discounts if they decide to purchase large quantities of a product. However, you need to be cautious of this as it is a common tactic used by scammers to increase their earnings.

  • Diabetes Cares, in this product section you can find drugs that help reduce the development of diabetes in the patient’s body as well as help treat side effects of the condition such as diabetes insipidus which causes excess urination.
  • Life Saving Drugs, here you can purchase life-saving drugs for lethal illnesses such as cancer and brain tumor. Some of the most expensive products are for sale here, and interestingly enough you do not require a prescription to purchase them.
  • Pain Relief, a variety of pain killers are available in this product category for both external and internal health conditions, furthermore, you have a selection of long term and short term products that provide pain relief based on your needs.
  • Arthritis, patients also have access to a big selection of medication for arthritis which helps reduce the progress of the illness and also makes it more manageable to live with for sufferers.
  • Viral Care, medication for a lot of different common viral illnesses are available here for conditions such as herpes, genital warts and also chickenpox which can be potentially fatal if contracted by elderly people or people with a weak immune system.
lots of drugs

Payment and Shipping

Currently, the only payment method supported on this drugstore website are credit cards from four companies which are Mastercard, Amex, Visa and Discover which are four of the biggest credit card processing companies in the world.

level of security

Two shipping methods are available on this drugstore website, overall shipping times depend on where you live however on average the Standard shipping method takes between 15 and 24 days while the Express shipping method takes between 10 and 12 days.

Customer Reviews

A few reviews are available on third-party pharmacy websites as well as review platforms such as TrustPilot where this e-commerce drugstore has a total score of 4.5 stars out of 5 from a total of 67 reviews. Furthermore, a lot of the reviews on Trustpilot are made by accounts that have only made one review on the site, therefore, it is likely that the owners of this site are manipulating the score using fake accounts.

excellent rating

On this drugstore site itself, there are only testimonials on the product pages, however, majority of the product pages do not have any testimonials displayed.

Is Website a Scam or Legit?

This e-pharmacy is a scam that should not be trusted as they are not following the law since they are not part of any regulatory agencies and are not revealing who owns the site and where they are based.

On URL Void, there are currently no warnings about this online drugstore which is likely to change in the future as the site ages.


In conclusion, tries hard to look authentic, it is a new site that features fake information on purpose to make itself look safe to use when in reality it is not.

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