Reviews – Many Guarantees

common view is a pharmacy that offers high standards to its customers. We check to find out if the claims they make are true and if you should consider using them.

Domain Details
Date of Registry2018-08-09
Main Details
Drugstore NameCanada Drug Warehouse
Regulatory Approvals
LegitScriptUnapproved status
Contact Info
Free Number+1-877-204-1506
Contact Form
Shipping Methods
Standard Mail
Express Delivery
Free Shipping
Payment Options
E-Check or Personal Check
American Express, Western Union

Domain Name Information

The domain name records for this internet pharmacy tells us they have only been in business since 2018. This isn’t too long for a pharmacy to have been operating and could suggest that they are more likely to be a scam.

registered in 2018

Another problem we find in the domain name records is the use of a domain privacy service. While this can sometimes be used by a legit business, we find it very frequently with more unreliable stores.

Business Profile

This pharmacy does provide an address if you need to mail prescriptions to them. However, the business address that they give is only a PO box. This PO box address is located in British Columbia, Canada, and they also don’t provide a business name.

address and phone number

This lack of information means that we don’t know who is really behind this pharmacy store, or even if they are really located in Canada.

Customer Safety

This store does a lot to try and promote that they are keeping their customers safe when they use the pharmacy. They say that they maintain high standards of accountability in everything they do for their customers. This includes having well-trained members of staff who check your medical history before confirming your order.

valid SSL

They also use additional security on the site from Norton, which includes a shopping guarantee. This should ensure that you are safe when using their store.

Regulatory Approvals

This pharmacy provides seals on their site to show that they are regulated by two organizations. These regulatory associations are Canadian based and are regulators we’ve seen before.


The CIPA and IPABC associations regulate pharmacies that are based in Canada. A check shows that this accreditation is valid.


Despite this, they are only unapproved by LegitScript.

Medications Sold

A good range of medications is sold via this store. Their prices are relatively expensive, however, compared to many of the other pharmacies we look at. This is even though they sell generic medications along with the more expensive brand alternatives.

generic and brand

Even though this pharmacy appears to be a Canadian operation, not all of the pills are dispensed from Canada. This means that when you place an order your pills may not come from Canada as expected, and this can lead to longer delivery times as well as other possible problems.

This pharmacy’s use of international fulfillment centers does mean that there are more opportunities for fake or low-quality medications to find their way into the supply chain. This could mean that the pills you receive from this store aren’t the high standard of drugs you normally expect from your local pharmacy store.

As well as Canada, meds are also dispensed from the following international fulfillment locations:

  • Australia and New Zealand
  • The US and the UK
  • India
  • Turkey
  • Mauritius

While they do claim that these fulfillment centers are correctly regulated in their respective countries, we have no way of confirming this. They don’t provide any details of the fulfillment centers so that this information can be confirmed.

Payment Methods

The site is secure, and you can pay through major credit cards. You can complete your transaction online or phone their customer support for assistance and to pay.

Shipping Costs

The shipping charge for this pharmacy is a flat fee of $14.95. This is the charge for delivery to the United States, and shipping costs to other locations may vary. Orders are processed within 3 days and delivery is expected in under 2 weeks, though there are shipping delays currently of up to an additional two weeks. Reviews

They have a lot of reviews on their site, and their customers seem to be very happy. Of the 243 reviews, 224 give the maximum rating.

may be manipulated

This suggests that the service provided by this business is a good one. However, since these reviews are on their own site, they can remove negative feedback if they wish.


This Canadian pharmacy is doing a lot of things the right way, however, they aren’t without their problems. They have accreditation, have a call center, and happy customers.

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