Reviews – Safe but not Transparent

common view is a safe, easy, reliable and affordable online pharmacy store that provides quality prescription and non-prescription pharmaceutical products. These available, certified pharmacists provide services that include, making prescribed and non-prescription drugs safe, cheap and of high quality to the consumers. Their products also adhere to the required standards of customers’ local regulatory agencies.

Domain Details
Date of Registry2008-01-29
CountryUnited States
Main Details
Drugstore NameCheapo Meds
Regulatory Approvals
LegitScriptUnapproved status
Contact Info
Free Number+1-844-424-3276
Contact Form
Shipping Methods
Standard Mail
Express Delivery
Free Shipping
Payment Options
E-Check or Personal Check
American Express, Western Union

Domain Info

​This domain was created on the 29th of January, 2008. It was updated on the 18th of February, 2022, and set to expiry on the 29th of January, 2024. This domain has been running for the past 14 years, which is a strong indicator of its good track record. The owner’s personal details and contact information are redacted for privacy, besides the home country and province, which is Canada and Manitoba respectively. In addition to the owner’s home country, the server location is in the USA, Virginia.

registered in 2008

The investigation on this domain showed no blacklist report. The SSL Trust scan report also showed no evidence of any malware or antivirus in the domain, in addition to its SSL/TLS report proclaiming it as no high-risk. The domain is verified by Sectigo Limited, meaning all personal information while using the website is safe and secure. The domain is also ranked on Alexa.

Business Profile

​There is no other business profile besides on the website. The owner’s personal or contact information or employee’s information cannot be found on the website, but other contact information is available. This includes email and telephone numbers.

Regulatory Approvals

Two of the leading regulatory bodies on medicinal products are the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP) and LegitScript. Their recognition is a vote of confidence on websites dealing with pharmaceutical products.


There is no information about this online drugstore on NABP, however, it was recognized by LegitScript. Its approval status on this online resource is “unapproved”. This status shouldn’t be taken literally, as it means the website has little issues with regulatory compliance, but not engaging in any form of illegal or unsafe practices.

Products and Pricing

​The offered products by this online pharmacy include:

popular drugs
  • Men’s Health
  • Women’s Health
  • Mental Health
  • Digestive Health
  • Infection
  • Malaria
  • Orthostatic Hypotension
  • Overactive Bladder

These offered products are available at low, international prices compared to local drugstores, while maintaining high product quality.

Payment Method

​The accepted payment options include:

  • Mastercard
  • Visa
  • American Express
  • Check
  • Electronic Check

Shipping Method

​There are two delivery methods offered by this online pharmacy store, which includes:

  • Standard Shipping: This cost as much as $9
  • Express Shipping: This shipping method is faster than its other alternative, and costs as much as $26.

Delivery Details

​Ordered products mostly takes an average of 12 days before completion or delivery, while some might take as much 28 days before completion. E-mail notifications are also sent immediately to customers when their ordered products are shipped. This helps in easing possible worries of customers.

Customer Reviews

​With how fake, good reviews or feedback can be easily generated, it is failing to fulfill its intended purpose, which is building customers’ trust. However, this doesn’t mean customers’ reviews doesn’t come with its own pros. While considering both factors, this online pharmacy company has no online customers review. The significance of its absence cannot be accurately determined.

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When all is said and done, while taking into account all that has been discussed, this online drugstore is legit and safe, which includes both its website and products. There is a strict requirement for prescriptions before purchasing any medications, which can be sent by phone, e-mail, fax, uploaded through the website or through direct contact with the customer’s doctor.

They also offer non-prescription or over-the-counter medications, which are safe to use by the general public without any prior prescription, which is totally different from selling drugs without prescriptions. Their website is secured by Sectigo Limited and their products are also rated by LegitScript.

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