Reviews – Maintaining High Standards

bright layout is an online pharmacy which offers expert medical advice and confidentiality to its customers. They promise lower costs and specialize in helping with certain conditions. We take a look at the service offered by this drugstore to find out if they live up to the expectations they create.

Domain Details
Date of Registry1998-10-01
Main Details
Drugstore NameKwik Med
Regulatory Approvals
LegitScriptCertified status
Contact Info
Free Number+1-877-594-5633
Contact Form
Shipping Methods
Standard Mail
Express Delivery
Free Shipping
Payment Options
E-Check or Personal Check
American Express, Western Union

Domain Name Information

The details found in the domain database for this store reveals that they have been registered for a long time. The domain was registered in 1998 and this normally indicates that they are more likely to be legit.

registered in 1998

Information about the organization shows that this domain is controlled by “PCM LLC” located in Scottsdale, Arizona, USA.

Business Profile

The pharmacy provides an address on their contact page. This address is only a PO box, however, but it does match some of the details found in the domain name records.

PO Box 4854
Scottsdale, AZ 85261

More information about the business is found on their Better Business Bureau profile. This gives their location as Sandy, Utah, US. It also gives the business name as “PCM Venture 1, LLC” which is similar to the information found in the domain records. A check on the address shows that this is where they have genuine offices.

This all suggests to us that this is a legit business which operates in the USA.

Regulatory Approvals

The pharmacy states that they have regulations from the Utah Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing. It is possible to go to the website of this organization to check a claim like this. When we do this we find that they are correctly licensed as they claim.


This license should ensure that the pharmaceutical service provided should be safe for customers.

The pharmacy also displays a seal from LegitScript on their site. This seal allows us to click on it to confirm that they are really accredited by this organization. They are a part of the LegitScript Merchant program which operates to make sure that pharmacies are maintaining high standards and procedures when serving customers.


Services Offered

The pharmacy offers a telemedicine service to allow customers to get prescriptions for the meds supplied by the store. This telemedicine service is offered in the US across all states. It will either involve simply filling out a questionnaire or a video conference call with a doctor depending on the rules of the state you live in.

The conditions which are able to be prescribed through telemedicine are fairly limited and include:

men's health category
  • Allergies
  • Bronchitis
  • UTI
  • Family planning
  • Men’s health

If the doctor believes you are right for the treatment you want to order they will write a prescription which will be fulfilled by the pharmacy.

You aren’t charged for the consultation with the doctor which will mean that the prices in the store aren’t the cheapest.

Payment Options

The pharmacy is secure to make shopping with them a safe process. They accept payment with Mastercard and Visa.


The drugstore offers a range of different choices when it comes to shipping. They allow next day and other services from FedEx and USPS. They don’t provide free shipping. Reviews

This store is collecting reviews on the Trustpilot site. They ask their customers to leave a review on the page and have less than 500 testimonials so far.

comments with excellent rating

With an overall rating of 4.5 out of 5, it seems like they are providing a good pharmacy service to customers. People seem to be generally happy with how fast and efficient the service is.

The pharmacy isn’t without its problems, however. Many of the customer testimonials mention their belief that the prices are too high in the store. In part, this will be to account for the doctor consultation costs and seems to be the biggest issue with this pharmacy.

satisfied customer


KwikMed is correctly licensed by a Government agency in Utah and they also have accreditation from LegitScript. This should mean that a purchase from this business will be reliable and safe. They also have mostly great feedback from customers and are following the rules for telemedicine in US states. There is the issue of cost with this store, however, a problem brought up by many of their customers.

Possible alternatives

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