Reviews – Reported by NABP? is one of the leading online pharmacies that aim at providing superior quality medicines to people at lower prices. They strive hard to meet the high expectations levels of their customers and provide them with the ultimate online shopping experience. Also, they offer a wide range of generic medicines at cheaper rates and are proficient in meeting all the requirements of their clients. However, this article will explore the evidence for and against the legitimacy of this company.

Domain Details
Date of Registry2017-10-03
Main Details
Drugstore NameLife Rx Pharmacy
Regulatory Approvals
LegitScriptRogue status
Contact Info
Free Number+1-279-999-8688
Contact Form
Shipping Methods
Standard Mail
Express Delivery
Free Shipping
Payment Options
E-Check or Personal Check
American Express, Western Union

Domain Information

The first step in our investigation of this online pharmacy store is to review the domain information of the website. According to, the domain was registered on 2017/10/03 under easyDNS Technologies Inc. This means the website has been online for quite some time to gain the trust and confidence of its customers.

registered in 2017

Furthermore, the domain was last updated in 2023/09/04 and it’s set to expire by 2024/10/03. However, we noticed that most of the information on the raw whois data was redacted for privacy purposes. This means we won’t be able to know who the real owners of the company are, their address, email, and phone number. Notwithstanding, we understand that this was done to protect the company from online scammers.

Business Profile

Life Rx Pharmacy is one of the most well-known and reliable online pharmacy services. For over 12 years, they have served thousands of clients by providing substantial discounts on prescription medications from all around the world. Also, their highly certified pharmacists and pharmacy technicians ensure your orders are handled safely and professionally. Besides, they provide pleasant, personalized service, and many of their drugs are available at the lowest possible costs on the Internet.

high trust

Furthermore, when we tested the pharmacy website on we found out that they have a high trust score of 82 out of 100. This means the website is highly recommended and trusted by Scamdviser. Also, we noticed some positive highlights about the company. They include SSL certificates, positive reviews, DNS filters, etc. So there’s nothing to be scared of about this online pharmacy store.

Regulatory Approvals

Another important metric we use in evaluating the legitimacy of a pharmacy website is to check for regulatory approvals. We need to know if a pharmacy website complies with both local and international laws. According to the Canadian International Pharmacy Association (CIPA), the domain is not a recognized member of the association.

Furthermore, we checked the database of the National Association Board of Pharmacy (NABP), and we noticed that has been added to their list of unsafe pharmacy websites. This means the online store is not on their recommended list of legitimate and trustworthy pharmacy websites.

not recommended

Finally, to check for more regulatory approvals we took a huge step to visit However, the result of our findings revealed that is a ‘Rogue’ pharmacy website. These are online pharmacies that do not adhere to accepted standards of medical and/or pharmacy practice, including standards of safety; and/or engage in fraudulent or deceptive business practices.

Products and Pricing makes use of affiliated international pharmacies that are approved by regulatory authorities in their respective countries. In addition to having your prescriptions dispensed from their affiliated Canadian dispensing pharmacy, your medications are also dispensed from international pharmacies and fulfillment centers that are approved by the regulatory bodies from their respective countries

popular medicine

Furthermore, you get to save over 80% on prescriptions and drugs ordered from Also, there are a lot of discounts and free delivery to both new and old customers of the platform. Besides, buying medications online is a great option as it saves your time as well as money. It is especially beneficial for elderly and disabled people.

Payments and Shipping

The payment methods available on are limited. They include:

  • Check/Electronic checks
  • Bank transfers

However, you can discuss your choice of payment with their customer care to know if they can adjust for you. But you shouldn’t in any way reveal your debit or credit details to anybody. The security of your bank account is your responsibility.

Furthermore, offers free shipping for new customers with a regular delivery of 2 to 3 weeks within Canada & USA. Also, they offer Standard Shipping (Fully Tracked, $9 ), Expedite Shipping (Fully Tracked, $40), and Life-Time Free Shipping (One time Cost for Lifetime free shipping, $45). So you can choose from any of them to get your packages delivered to you. Reviews

Another important metric we need to cover in this article is to review what other people are saying about this pharmacy website. However, when we checked, we noticed that has a good star rating of 4.3 stars; also there were a lot of positive reviews from past buyers of the platform. Furthermore, we noticed a lot of satisfied and happy customers who were willing and ready to buy again.

mostly positive


To conclude our review of, we analyzed the above reports and concluded that they are legit. Our decision was based entirely on the positive and happy reviews given by past customers of the platform. However, if you’re interested in a much more legit and trustworthy pharmacy website, then feel free to browse our blog.

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