Reviews – Unfinished

common view is a pharmacy that sells generic drugs and claims to have been in business for more than 12 years. When we investigate the details of this claim, we can see they’ve only been in business for a year and a half. This is just one of the problems we’ve found with this drugstore.

Domain Details
Date of Registry2020-08-21
Main Details
Drugstore NameMeds Like
Regulatory Approvals
LegitScriptRogue status
Contact Info
Free Number+1-877-800-8460
Contact Form
Shipping Methods
Standard Mail
Express Delivery
Free Shipping
Payment Options
E-Check or Personal Check
American Express, Western Union

Domain Name Information

Details in the domain name records reveal that this pharmacy has only been registered for a short amount of time. This creates more risk for customers and could indicate that they are really a scam.

in business since 2020

There is a small amount of information about where this company is based, it tells us they’re in India. We don’t have any more information than this, and they don’t even tell us what part of India.

Business Details

Despite this pharmacy having both about us and contact pages, they don’t even tell us which country they are based in. With no contact details or business information, there is a greater likelihood of this drugstore being a scam.

Unfinished Website

You wouldn’t expect a reputable pharmacy to not have finished their website, but that is what we find with this pharmacy. On their FAQ page, the store doesn’t answer your questions as they have left the sample text in place.


So if you want to find out how long delivery might take, or if you want to know about the process to cancel your order, you will be out of luck. They have the questions, but the real answers are absent.

Regulatory Approvals

The drugstore doesn’t provide any indication that they are correctly approved to be selling medication online. There are no regulatory seals, and nowhere on the site do they tell us that they are approved to be in business.


When we check with LegitScript, we can see that they don’t have any faith in this drugstore. They give them the approval status of a rogue.

This obviously isn’t great, meaning that they don’t have the accreditation they should.

Pills Available

While the pharmacy does sell customers a fairly wide range of pills, they seem to specialize more in the men’s health market. Other pills available in-store include:

men's health drugs
  • Anxiety meds
  • Asthma
  • Phobia treatments
  • Blood pressure

While most of the meds they sell are generic, they don’t actually say who the manufacturer of the drugs is. This increases the chances that this pharmacy is selling low-quality pills and that they are a scam.

Though the store doesn’t say where the medication is dispensed from, there appears to be some indication that the pills are coming from India. Since this pharmacy doesn’t want us to know where the pills are dispensed from, there are more risks.

Low-quality pills could mean tablets that do not contain the correct ingredients or the right amounts of ingredients. Either of these things would be a problem if you were relying on the medicine from this pharmacy to improve your health.

Payment and Shipping

The pharmacy site is secure, and they let you pay through PayPal and credit or debit cards.

Shipping is via EMS and will cost customers $30. They don’t say how long delivery takes, but shipping is free when you spend more than $249 with the pharmacy. Reviews

The pharmacy is collecting customer feedback with Trustpilot. Most of the reviews are very positive for the pharmacy, though there are some people calling them a scam.

negative comments

Some people have not received what they ordered from the pharmacy and have given the drugstore 1 star as a response. Also, so we aren’t completely certain that all of the positive customer comments are genuine.

Some of the comments do not read like genuine feedback, instead, appearing more like marketing. While we don’t know this for certain, there is always a suspicion that pharmacies like this are using fake feedback.


As we have shown, there are many problems with his pharmacy. They don’t provide any business details, they don’t have any regulations, and we can’t be sure about the safety of the medicine they sell.

All in all, this is not a good pharmacy to choose if you want reliable medical supplies.

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