Reviews – Ranked Badly

common view is an online drugstore that sells a wide variety of medication with the bestsellers on this site being male supplements. There are three different phone numbers available on this site with two of them being for the United States and the other for the United Kingdom. Also, there are re-order bonuses and discounts offered on this although there is little explanation on how they work. In this article, we are going to be doing a detailed analysis of all the promises made by this pharmaceutical website.

Domain Details
Date of Registry2019-08-24
CountryUnited States
Main Details
Drugstore NameTablets
Regulatory Approvals
LegitScriptRogue status
Contact Info
Free Number
Contact Form
Shipping Methods
Standard Mail
Express Delivery
Free Shipping
Payment Options
E-Check or Personal Check
American Express, Western Union

Domain Info

The domain for this drugstore website was first registered on the 24th of August 2019 and last updated on the 23rd of January 2020. Currently, the domain is set to expire on the 24th of August 2021.

registered last year

This pharmaceutical website is less than a year old therefore it is very risky to buy medication from it as they have no viable track record that shows that they actually deliver the products that their customers order.

Business Profile

According to public records, the website is registered through a third-party company called Anonymize Inc which is based in the city of Sammamish in the state of Washington, United States. This company is generally used by individuals and organizations that want to hide their identity when registering websites.

77% of trust

On Scamadviser, this pharmacy website has a trust score of 77% which is not a good score for a website that has only existed for a few months.

Regulatory Approval

When we checked pharmaceutical regulatory bodies such as CIPA, the CPA, and MIPA we were not able to find any records of this website being an approved member of any of them. This means that they are operating outside of the law as every pharmaceutical retailer needs to be part of the necessary regulatory bodies.


On Legit Script, this drugstore website is rated as ‘rogue’ due to not meeting the necessary regulatory requirements.

Products and Pricing

All medication is available in a variety of dosages allowing you to take the required amount best on your personal needs, preference or requirements set out by your doctor.

Best Features on This Platform

You also have the ability to track your order by entering the order ID of the particular order that you are trying to track as well as the email used to make the order.

  • Janumet, this is a diabetes medication that is pill-based and taken orally, it helps decrease your glucose levels by regulating the amount of insulin that your body produces after consuming food.
  • Parafon, this medication suppresses the nerve signals sent through your spinal cord in order to prevent or at least limit muscle spasms from occurring around the body due to illness or fatigue.
  • Vaniqa, this is a special cream targeted towards women that have facial hair or other unwanted hair on their body. When the cream is applied it overtime removes the hair but does not stop it from regrowing.
  • Xarelto, a blood thinner that is used primarily for reducing the chances of blood clots forming and thus causing a heart attack which can be fatal.
  • Champix, a branded product that helps put down the withdrawal symptoms and also cravings that affect people who are trying to quit smoking.
different dosage

Payment and Shipping

Currently, there is only one payment method available at this online pharmacy which is to pay using credit cards from the leading processing companies such as Visa and Mastercard.

only credit cards

Two shipping methods can be used at this e-commerce drugstore, the first is the Standard shipping method which costs $10 and takes between 10 and 21 days to be fulfilled. Then you also have the Express shipping method which takes between 5 and 9 days and costs $30.

Customer Reviews

A few reviews are available online about this drugstore website, however, they all give the lowest possible score of 1 star out of 5 and label the platform as a scam.

created by the owners

On the other hand, the testimonials that are hosted on the pharmacy platform itself are all positive which is very suspicious and it likely that they are created by the pharmacy website’s owners themselves.

Is Website a Scam or Legit?

This pharmacy website is a scam that uses a common model used by thousands of other scam websites on the internet where they use fake reviews and a lot of incentives for people to order and then not delivering the products that people pay for.

On URL Void, there is currently one warning about this pharmacy website due to the pharmacy sending unauthorized messages to users.


To conclude, there no reason to trust as they are ranked badly by many organizations such as Scamadviser, Legit Script and URL Void as well as the pharmacy not being part of any regulatory bodies. Furthermore, they have existed for less than a year so there is a very big risk of them shutting down the site and running away with the money.

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