Reviews – False Claims

common view is an online pharmacy selling generic drugs. They claim that their prices are low and say that they are operating in the USA, but our review of their service shows that some of these claims are not true.

Domain Details
Date of Registry2018-08-27
Main Details
Drugstore NameOnline Blue Pills
Regulatory Approvals
LegitScriptRogue status
Contact Info
Free Number+1-646-948-3525
Contact Form
Shipping Methods
Standard Mail
Express Delivery
Free Shipping
Payment Options
E-Check or Personal Check
American Express, Western Union

Domain Name Information

The domain name records show us that this pharmacy has been online since 2018. While that is longer than many scam pharmacies we see, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they are legit.

registered in 2018

There are some details in the domain record about who owns this business. This tells us that the business is owned by Simons Wood (OPC) Private Limited, which is located in North West Delhi, India.

Business Profile

Despite the business information found in the domain name records, these details are not repeated on the website. Perhaps the pharmacy doesn’t want people to know that they are located in India, but whatever the reason, this lack of information on their website makes them look more like a scam.

The only thing the website says is that they are a registered pharmacy with branches throughout the USA. However, we doubt this is actually true.

Regulatory Approval

The store doesn’t display any regulatory seals that would indicate they are operating to the highest standards that would be required. Part of the problem with this pharmacy is the fact that they are claiming to have branches in the USA.


As a result of this, they don’t display any signs of regulation for any country.

LegitScript doesn’t think that this pharmacy is a good choice for customers, classifying them as a rogue drugstore. This means that the pharmacy does not have the correct regulatory approval to sell medications in the USA.

Does This Pharmacy Have US Branches?

This store says that they have pharmacy branches across the USA, but can this be believed? They don’t provide any information to back up this claim, so it is almost certainly a lie.


If they really did have branches in the USA, giving information about them would add to the credibility of this pharmacy. The only reason that they don’t do this is that it isn’t true.

Treatments Offered

The pharmacy specializes in men’s health drugs, though they do offer other treatment options as well. Other treatment categories available at the store include:

  • Pain relief
  • Asthma
  • Digestive system health
  • Women’s health

They boast of low prices, but the cost of pills from the store is higher than many other pharmacies we’ve looked at.

mostly for men

On the product pages of the pharmacy, they don’t give details about who the manufacturer is. They also don’t give much information beyond a brief description of the medicine and its use.

This leads us to suspect that the pharmacy is a scam and the pills they sell are not high-quality. If this is actually the case, customers are being put at risk by low-quality medicines that might not contain the ingredients they should do.

Payment Methods

The pharmacy has the basic level of protection you would expect from any retail store with a valid SSL certificate. Their payment options are:

  • Visa
  • MasterCard
  • Debit cards


Shipping costs $25 with delivery expected in 10 to 12 working days. Delivery is via USPS and their international delivery service. Delivery is free when you spend more than $250 on medicine. Reviews

There are some reviews found on Trustpilot. Of the 5 customer comments there, most of them give the pharmacy top ratings.

positive but likely to be fake

While this might look good to prospective customers, we have some suspicion that not all of these comments are genuine. Some of the comments appear to be written by the same person, and they seem more like advertising copy than genuine feedback.

While we can’t be totally sure, it is likely that some of these comments are not genuine and instead created by the store owner or someone working for them.


This pharmacy is based in India though they are pretending they are operating in the USA.

They lack any regulation, are lying about who they are, and we doubt the testimonies are true either. All of these problems suggest to us that this would be a bad place to purchase medicine from, and we don’t recommend them.

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