Reviews – Lots of Complaints

common view is an online pharmacy that has been accused of scamming its customers. To date, there have been several reports of Pharma Express RX victims being scammed. If you’re thinking of buying an Rx from this pharmacy, be sure to do your research first.

Domain Details
Date of Registry2003-07-19
CountryUnited States
Main Details
Drugstore NamePharma Express Rx
Regulatory Approvals
LegitScriptRogue status
Contact Info
Free Number+1-800-681-3551
Contact Form
Shipping Methods
Standard Mail
Express Delivery
Free Shipping
Payment Options
E-Check or Personal Check
American Express, Western Union

Company Background

Pharma Express RX was founded in 2003. The pharmacy has been accused of scamming its customers multiple times, most recently in 2016. In that case, a patient reported being scammed out of $1,500 worth of medication. This is just the latest example of Pharma Express RX being accused of scamming its customers.

some warning signs

It’s important to note that there have been several reports of Pharma Express RX victims being scammed, so it’s not just a one-time event. There are a lot of potential risks associated with buying an Rx from this pharmacy.

Available Drugs

Pharma Express RX sells a variety of drugs, including prescription and over-the-counter medications. Some of the medications that are sold at this pharmacy include Celebrex, Prozac, etc. It’s important to be aware of the products that are sold at this pharmacy. Some of these products have been accused of being scams. For example, the Celebrex pills were reported to be counterfeit.


There are also reports that customers did not receive any product they ordered from the website, and they could not reach the customer service.

Customer Service

One of the most common complaints against is that their customer service is poor. In fact, one customer reported that he was told his order would be shipped immediately but it never arrived. Another customer said she made a purchase and received an email notification that her order had shipped, but when she looked at her email, she found out that the order had been canceled.

lack of customer service

There is no live chat available on the website, and it is really hard to reach their customer service as they only say that they will email you or call. They do not have a real-time response to any complaints and concerns.

Payment Method

One of the most common scams perpetrated by online pharmacies is the use of a PayPal account as a payment method. This allows scammers to easily make large sums of money by fraudulently accepting payments from unsuspecting customers.


If you fall victim to this scam, your money may be taken away in a matter of minutes. You may also be charged fees for products that you never received and/or may not have received at all.

They only accept:

  • PayPal
  • Credit cards
  • Debit cards

They do not have an option for COD or cash on delivery.


Another common concern with online pharmacies is the shipping process. Many times, online pharmacies use third-party companies to ship your Rx. This can be a scam in which the pharmacy pays the company for the order to be placed, but no Rx actually arrives at your doorstep. In addition, many times the pharmacy doesn’t receive the product until after it has been sold to another customer.

Customer Reviews

The reviews that can be found on their website are all positive and 5 stars which are kind of doubtful. Why? Because none of it is a legitimate account, all of it is a dump account which people thought are just a way for the pharmacy to make their website appealing to the customers. This proves that the website is a scam, and just deceiving people for money.

negative feedback

Make sure to always check whether the reviews you see on the website are legit and not just made up. We recommend checking every review of the website, not just to their website but try other posts and reviews on google or any other social media accounts for more accurate reviews.

Final Thoughts

If you’re considering buying an Rx from Pharma Express RX, be sure to do your research first. This pharmacy has been accused of scamming its customers multiple times. And if you do end up taking a product from this pharmacy, be sure to consult with a doctor before starting treatment. reviews get an extremely low rating. Considering all the factors that we stated above, we recommend the consumers not to have a transaction with this website as they are clearly a scam.

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