RxMedOnline.com Reviews – Too Much Fakery

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RxMedOnline.com claims to offer the lowest online prices, guaranteed delivery, and a customer base of over 1 million. These claims make this pharmacy seem like a great place to purchase your medications. Our review of their services, however, suggests you would be better going to a different online drugstore.

Domain Details
Date of Registry2015-07-31
Main Details
Drugstore NameHappy Family Store
Regulatory Approvals
LegitScriptRogue status
Contact Info
Free Number+1-888-243-74-06
Contact Form
Shipping Methods
Standard Mail
Express Delivery
Free Shipping
Payment Options
E-Check or Personal Check
American Express, Western Union

Domain Name Information

The details found in the domain name records give us a better idea of the background information about this pharmacy. We can see that the store has been registered for nearly 5 years. This could point to them being less of a scam with a greater history of successfully serving their customers.

5 years old

The owner of the store has chosen to take the domain privacy option, to make sure their contact details aren’t revealed in the records. This is something frequently linked to scam drugstores, but we’ll need more proof than that.

Business Profile

The business name “Canadian Pharmacy Ltd” can be found at the very bottom of the site. We have seen this name used before and never found it to be a real business. This is also completely different to the branding on the site of “HappyFamilyStore” and the domain name used.

The address of the business isn’t provided, so if we did try to find “Canadian Pharmacy Ltd” where would we look. They aren’t a Canadian business, that has been checked. The truth is that the business name is almost certainly fake. Used to make them appear more legitimate than they actually are.

Regulatory Approvals

The store claims to be a licensed online pharmacy, with a license from an unnamed international organization. We have seen this many times before, but it isn’t genuine. There isn’t any international organization with the power to issue licenses to pharmacies the world over.

fake info

Each country has its own laws, so an international pharmacy license isn’t something that would be workable. This is another lie designed to convince you that they are a reputable business. The reality is that they are unlicensed to operate.


When we check with LegitScript we see that they have a very low opinion of the store. They give them the low classification of a rogue business.

Pills Sold

The store does offer a fairly fine range of medications, though their primary focus does appear to be on the men’s health market.


They sell both brand name drugs and generic variations. They don’t, however, reveal where the pills are dispatched from, and in many cases who the manufacturer is.

This is potentially a massive issue. If we don’t know where the pills are dispensed from how can we check that this is done professionally? It also means that there is a far greater chance that the drugs are counterfeit or fake.

Low-quality meds may not contain the ingredients you expect. Even if they do, by chance, have the correct ingredients, are they in the right amounts? There is no way of telling or having confidence in the pills unless you have them tested in a lab.

Payment Methods

The checkout process takes you to a secure payment website. Here you have the option to pay using the following methods:

100% guarantee
  • Major credit cards
  • Bitcoin
  • Ethereum
  • SEPA


There are two delivery options for customers to choose from. Airmail is the more budget-friendly choice at $12.95 but it can take 2 or 3 weeks to be with you. EMS could have the package with you in as little as 5 days but the cost is $29.95. EMS also has a tracking number provided. Shipping of either type is free when you spend over $200 on the drugstore.

RxMedOnline.com Reviews

The store has an impressive page of RxMedOnline.com reviews. All the customers seem very happy with the service provided, particularly noting the speed of delivery and customer support.

fake comments

Reading through the comments, however, something doesn’t seem quite right. The comments are quite generic, they could apply to any retail store, and they are also quite similar in the way they have been written. This does seem to suggest that some or all of the comments are fake.


While they claim to have over 1 million customers, we have seen nothing to show that this can possibly be true. They don’t have a business address on the site and their name is fake. Also fake is their international license to operate.

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2 thoughts on “RxMedOnline.com Reviews – Too Much Fakery”

  1. hello alan horvath here earlier in year i ordered sildalist 120. wirh order you gave me 4 free samples of something 10 mg. i could not read exactly what is was on package. kinda liked it. can you let me know what that was? thanks!


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