Reviews – Not Safe At All

common view is a pharmaceutical platform that markets mainly branded and generic male supplements as well as a larger number of products in different categories. While we were taking a look at this drugstore website, we saw that there were a number of aesthetic issues such as the phone numbers not being correctly displayed. This is despite this e-commerce drugstore claiming that its customer service is available 24/7, this obviously raises a number of concerns. We will be addressing these concerns in this article where we will be reliable information to come to the conclusion if this pharmacy website is actually safe to use.

Domain Details
Date of Registry2017-01-05
Main Details
Drugstore NameOnline Pharmacy
Regulatory Approvals
LegitScriptRogue status
Contact Info
Free Number+1-800-715-5341
Contact Form
Shipping Methods
Standard Mail
Express Delivery
Free Shipping
Payment Options
E-Check or Personal Check
American Express, Western Union

Domain Info

The domain of this online pharmacy was first registered on the 5th of January 2017 which also happens to be the last time that the domain of this online pharmacy has been updated is on the 14th of January 2020. As of writing this article, the domain is set to expire on the 5th of January 2022.

registered in 2017

What is interesting is that on the ‘About Us’ page of this online drugstore it says that they 7 years of experience, which may be true if they count other online pharmacies that they have operated but there is no mention of the actual date that this particular pharmaceutical was launched.

Business Profile

According to the information that has been submitted when registered the online drugstore, the individuals or the organization behind this e-pharmacy are located in New York, the United States. Furthermore, there is an email attached that belongs to an email provider located in Hong Kong, China. However, it is not possible to actually verify if this information is actually true as there is no way to verify it.

1% of trust

On Scamadviser, this online pharmacy has a trust score of 1% due to a lack of recommendation by the NABP regulatory body. 

Regulatory Approval

Moreover, the NABP is not the only regulatory organization that does not approve of this online drugstore. Leading regulatory agencies such as MIPA, CIPA and the CPA also do no accept this pharmaceutical website as an approved member.


On LegitScript, this e-commerce pharmacy is flagged up as ‘rogue’ because it is not following laws and regulations set up in order to offer protection to customers. 

Products and Pricing

If you have any issues with using this pharmaceutical website, then you can contact the ‘qualified support’ offered by this e-commerce pharmacy although there is no explanation offered about in what way they are qualified. 


Best-Selling Products on This Platform

Moreover, there are free male supplement pills that are offered on every order that a customer makes on this drugstore website, this provides an extra incentive and also allows the free trial of medical products before a customer potentially purchases them in a larger quantity.

  • Pain Relief, if you suffer from a severe disability or happen to be injured due to a variety of reasons then you can help handle and mediate this pain so that you can recover more easily.
  • Anxiety, in this section of this online drugstore you are able to purchase a variety of pill-based medication that helps with anxiety as well as with other mental illnesses such a depression.
  • Blood Pressure, if you are suffering from irregular blood pressure then you can purchase medication in this category that helps to help treat this health condition as well as treat symptoms such as chest pains.
  • Man’s Health, in this male-oriented part of the site, you are able to buy drugs that help with illnesses suffered by men such as prostate hyperplasia and also hair loss. 
  • Weight Loss, if your goal is to lose weight, then the products available here can help achieve that goal by taking the drugs sold here that help to boost the natural metabolic rate as well as limit your feeling of hunger.

Payment and Shipping

Two forms of payment are promoted on this pharmaceutical website, the first way to pay is using credit cards from two of the leading companies in this industry, these companies are Visa and American Express. Alternatively Bitcoin, a cryptocurrency is offered, this is a very strange payment option for a drugstore website to offer as there are a lot of risks associated with it due to its anonymous nature.

free shipping

Additionally, there are two shipping methods offered on this pharmaceutical website. First, you have Standard shipping which takes between 2 and 3 weeks while there is much faster Express shipping which also comes at an increased cost. Reviews

Only two reviews were present on Google while writing this review article, both of these reviews are located on reliable third-party websites that do not seem to be owned or operated by the owners of the e-commerce pharmacy. These reliable reviews paint a bad picture of this pharmacy website by giving low scores of 1 star out of 5 and not recommend the drugstore website to be used. 


A much larger number of testimonials are actually located on the online drugstore, unlike the independent reviews, these testimonials happen to be very positive therefore it raises the risk that these testimonials are influenced by the owners of the drugstore website.

Is it a Scam or Legit?

This pharmacy website is a scam, the owners of this pharmaceutical platform work hard to portray their e-commerce platform as a reputable one when in reality it is a drugstore website that is operating illegally with little or no care about the safety of their customers.

On URL Void, there is one warning associated with this online drugstore due to a fraud report by a customer. 


To conclude, offers payment methods that are not safe, this is a big sign as it shows that they do not have the best interest of their customers in mind. Apart from that, the payment method of Bitcoin that this e-commerce platform offers shows that they are trying to make refunds and accountability much more difficult.

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4 thoughts on “ Reviews – Not Safe At All”

  1. Hello,
    I ordered medrol from and received fake pills. The pill had no metallic taste, which is what is expected. No taste other than it was chalk-like! I sent pictures of the package… asking for a refund. Not hopeful.

    • I’m sorry to hear about your experience with and receiving fake Medrol pills. It’s important to be cautious when purchasing medications online to avoid such issues. Have you considered reporting this incident to the relevant authorities or sharing your experience on online platforms to help others avoid similar situations?


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