Reviews – Deceiving Customers

common view is an independent retail pharmacy that has been in business since 2004. The pharmacy offers compounding services along with traditional pharmacy procedures. But does this pharmacy really provide a safe service, and is it a drugstore you should consider using? We take a look.

Domain Details
Date of Registry2019-05-22
Main Details
Drugstore NameValley of the Sun Pharmacy
Regulatory Approvals
LegitScriptNot in the database
Contact Info
Free Number
Contact Form
Shipping Methods
Standard Mail
Express Delivery
Free Shipping
Payment Options
E-Check or Personal Check
American Express, Western Union

Domain Name Information

A check on the domain name record shows that this pharmacy has been registered since 2019. This isn’t exactly a very long time and could suggest that the pharmacy is more likely to not be legit.

registered in 2019

The domain name records normally contain information about ownership. However, in this case, this information is hidden. While this can look very suspicious, it is commonly something we find even with legit businesses.

Business Profile

A check of the pharmacy site finds the business name Tailstorm Health inc. and an address in Phoenix, Arizona. When we check this address, it appears to be reputable, but we cannot absolutely confirm that the business is located at this address.

Permanently Closed

Checking the business details for this pharmacy shows that they don’t operate from the location given on the website. Checking more details seems to suggest that this pharmacy actually closed down in either 2018 or 2019.

not valid anymore

It seems probable that when this pharmacy website closed, the domain name came up for grabs and was purchased by persons unknown. They then run the website as it was previously, linking to other websites which appear to be scam drugstores.

Regulatory Approvals

Since this pharmacy appears to be operating in the United States of America they need to be following certain regulatory standards. Searching the Arizona Boards of Pharmacy website we can find some information about the pharmacy though it isn’t current.


This does show that the pharmacy was previously correctly licensed. The reason for their lack of current license could well be because they’ve gone out of business.

Medicines Available

The pharmacy claims to offer the normal range of medications you’d expect from any high street drugstore. They also offer compounding services and specialty treatments. The pharmacy particularly specializes in a few different treatment options, these include:

men's related drugs
  • Diabetes
  • Pediatrics
  • Hepatitis C
  • Veterinary

The pharmacy offer also offers free Rx counseling, so that you can make sure you have the right medications for your health. Counseling is available with new prescriptions or refills and is undertaken either over the phone or in person.

The property also offers an auto-refill service. Enrolling in the auto-refill program is said to help medication adherence, helping you avoid gaps between medicine provision. This will help you get your medicines refilled on time when you need them.

link to another website

The pharmacy links to other websites to sell men’s health drugs and other products. These other websites do not look reputable, however, and should be avoided.

Payment Options

The pharmacy accepts all major insurances as well as major credit cards. The pharmacy site is secure though any transactions might only take place on other websites.


The pharmacy says that they offer a variety of delivery options, though this information is not provided on the website. It doesn’t appear that this website actually sells anything directly, just linking to other sites. Reviews

Though we haven’t found any feedback on the pharmacy site, there are a few reviews on Yelp. Customer feedback on independent sites is better because it is very difficult for the pharmacy to alter in their favor.

not relevant

While this feedback isn’t very recent, it still shows that the pharmacy did provide a good service to many customers in the past. Since we currently believe this pharmacy website is owned by someone else now, these customer testimonials aren’t really relevant anymore.


This drugstore appears to be doing many things correctly at first glance. But when we dig deeper, it seems that this drugstore is a scam used to make other scam drugstores look reliable.

This pharmacy isn’t what it appears to be. Someone has taken the website of a closed reliable pharmacy store to sell people medicines that are likely to originate from unreliable sources. You shouldn’t trust any of the websites this pharmacy links to when buying your medicines, from what we’ve seen they look like scams.

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