Reviews – Feedback Lies is a pharmacy that claims to have been in business since 2005. They also say that they are offering safe and affordable medicine, but should they be trusted? We look at the pharmacy to show why they aren’t all they seem.

Domain Details
Date of Registry2022-05-18
Main Details
Drugstore NamePharma Offshore
Regulatory Approvals
LegitScriptNot in the database
Contact Info
Free Number
Contact Form
Shipping Methods
Standard Mail
Express Delivery
Free Shipping
Payment Options
E-Check or Personal Check
American Express, Western Union

Domain Name Information

This pharmacy hasn’t been in business for long, with a domain name registration from May this year. This makes it more likely that they are a store you shouldn’t put your trust in.

registered in 2022

They are using privacy protection so that their information isn’t included in the records. This isn’t necessarily an indication of a scam, but it doesn’t look great.

Business Profile

The business says that they have been online and running since 2005. But as we have previously shown, this isn’t the case unless they have changed their domain name, which is unlikely.


They do not give a business name or business address. This means we do not even know which country they are based in and where they are dispensing meds. This increases the chances that the pills being sold by the store are not very good and the service you receive will be more unreliable.

Regulatory Approvals

The pharmacy shows no sign of being correctly regulated. There aren’t any regulatory seals, and they don’t say anything about accreditation.

This lack of accountability isn’t a good sign that this pharmacy is doing things the way that it should. It could also mean that the pills they sell are not high-quality, and the service they provide is not as expected.

Medicine Available

The store seems to be selling generic medicine, but the prices are not that impressive. Treatments available on the site include:

high pricing
  • Pain relief
  • Hormones
  • Steroids
  • Men’s health

The pharmacy does give the name of the company manufacturing the pills on its product pages. This should indicate that the source of the medicine is genuine, but we can’t confirm this.

We also do not know where these pills are dispensed from, and this could mean that they aren’t very high-quality. This could mean that they do not contain the correct ingredients expected in the formula, and this will have bad consequences for customers’ health.

Low-quality pills might look like tablets you’ve had previously, but they could contain something you don’t expect. There isn’t any way of being sure what is contained in the meds without having them tested, so even if you think they look okay, this isn’t a good way to judge if they will be effective.

Payment and Shipping

The site is secure, and they accept payment through Bitcoin and PayPal.

The store charges $29 for delivery. They say that delivery will take between 8 and 21 days, and tracking is also available. It appears that they are shipping meds from India.

They also charge a low order fee of $25 if your bill comes to less than $59. This is very unusual and not something we normally find, and seems very unfair to customers that have to commit to a larger order value. Reviews

The store does have a testimonials page which is quite strange. It looks more like database entries than a testimonials page, and all of these comments were made before the pharmacy was online.

fake review

The pharmacy also has a graphic on some of their pages with information that appears to be from Trustpilot, showing that they’ve got a 4.9 rating from 1,500 reviews. However, when we check the reviews on Trustpilot, it turns out this is a lie.

They actually only have a single review on Trustpilot and this only gives them 4 out of 5. Even then, this customer did not have a great experience complaining of slow deliveries.

slow delivery

This shows that their claims of having excellent customer service with thousands of happy customers aren’t true. Any company that would misrepresent how well they are doing like this must surely be a scam.


There are really too many things wrong with this pharmacy for anyone to recommend them. We give them an extremely low rating for the following reasons; we don’t know where the pills are coming from, they don’t have any regulatory approvals, and they seem to be lying about their customer feedback.

With so many other pharmacies out there to choose from, there’s no reason to pick this one. Not recommended.

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