365-HealthStore.com Reviews – Save or Lose?

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365-HealthStore.com review will help you understand whether this pharmacy is worth ordering from or not. In case of any confusion, all you have to do is to go through our explanation below. After that, you can easily decide whether ordering from this pharmacy is worth it or not.

Domain Details
Date of Registry2020-04-07
Main Details
Drugstore NameHappy Family Store
Regulatory Approvals
LegitScriptNot in the database
Contact Info
Free Number+1-888-243-74-06
Contact Form
Shipping Methods
Standard Mail
Express Delivery
Free Shipping
Payment Options
E-Check or Personal Check
American Express, Western Union

Company Information

We started our research by referring to the about us page of the pharmacy. However, we found the about us page of the pharmacy to be pretty generic. In addition to that, the image which it uses is used by various other pharmacies as well. Owing to this very reason, you certainly cannot trust the information it provides on the about us page.

Domain Information

The domain of the pharmacy was registered in April 2020. This indicates that the pharmacy is barely two months old. The problem in ordering from such a pharmacy is that there is no way to verify the drug quality. As a result, ordering from such a pharmacy can be pretty risky.

registered in 2020

Even if you’re looking for generic drugs, many other pharmacies have been around for years together. All you need to do is to go with such a pharmacy rather than a completely new one.

Business Profile

When we tried to dig more in-depth about this pharmacy, we also found out that it has hidden its information. Whether you try to find more about the owner of the pharmacy or his/her address or even the city, you would not be able to find much information. That is because the pharmacy owner has paid for privacy. The privacy protection ensures that you cannot find any information.


That is because the pharmacy owner has paid for privacy. The privacy protection ensures that you cannot find any information.

It just states that the country as Netherland. Apart from that, the pharmacy does not divulge much. It is a red flag you need to keep in mind before making up your mind regarding this pharmacy.

Approval from Regulatory Agencies

The pharmacy claims that it is a Canadian pharmacy. However, when you check the pharmacy’s name on the Canadian Internet Pharmacy Association website, you will find that it is not licensed. Any legit Canadian pharmacy needs to have this license to sell drugs online. Since this pharmacy does not have this license, you can safely assume that it is a fly by night operator.


The approval criteria for the association badge or the license is pretty stringent. That is why only legit pharmacies can get approval. The lack of a license means that something is fishy.

Available Products

When you go through the type of drugs available with the pharmacy, you will realize that they are spread across quite a few categories. The categories include:

men's health pills
  • Anti-acidity
  • Cholesterol
  • Gastrointestinal
  • Weight loss
  • Antidiabetic and etc.

The problem is that in each of those categories, only a handful of drugs are available. When you’re looking for a very particular drug, it won’t be available in all likelihood. Rather than just getting impressed by the categories available, it is a good idea to dig deeper.


The pharmacy claims that it offers you the lowest prices around the world. The problem is that when you compare it with the branded drugs, surely it provides more economical prices. However, when you compare the drug prices with other pharmacies selling generic drugs, you will realize that the price is not on the lower side. Owing to this very reason, while you might be able to save some money, but it won’t be a lot.

fast delivery and low price

Payments and Deliveries

The pharmacy accepts quite a few payment methods like this JCB, American Express, MasterCard, Visa, Diners Club, and so on. It accepts E-checks as well. Finding a suitable method is easy while ordering from this pharmacy.

airmail and courier

It offers Airmail standard shipping and EMS courier delivery. The Airmail standard shipping takes up to 3 weeks, and EMS takes eight business days.

Also, both these shipping methods are paid. That is why the saving which you will make on the drug prices will be nullified with the shipping cost. As a result, on a net basis, you cannot save any money.

Customer Reviews

The number of reviews on the testimonials page is high. However, since the pharmacy has been around for a few weeks, you cannot trust these testimonials. Just like the about us page, they might be a copy of another pharmacy website. That is why you should not take them at face value.



The third-party 365-healthstore.com reviews also indicate that this pharmacy might be a scam. When you look at the red flags above, you will realize that it is a good idea to stay away from this pharmacy. All in all, it is not worth ordering from.

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