Reviews – Setting Their Price

common view calls itself a digital drug store that offers customers fast and friendly service. They say they have low prices, free delivery, and expert help readily available. But is this the right pharmacy choice for your needs? We take a look.

Domain Details
Date of Registry2020-12-23
CountryUnited States
Main Details
Drugstore NameBirdi
Regulatory Approvals
LegitScriptLegitimate status
Contact Info
Free Number+1-855-247-3479
Contact Form
Shipping Methods
Standard Mail
Express Delivery
Free Shipping
Payment Options
E-Check or Personal Check
American Express, Western Union

Domain Name Information

The record of this pharmacy’s registration hasn’t existed for too long. Their domain name was registered at the end of 2020, increasing the risk that the store is less reliable.

registered in 2020

The details in the contact section of the record tells us that the domain is registered to MedImpact Healthcare Systems, Inc., a company that is located in San Diego, California. This information appears to look like real business information for a pharmacy like this and could indicate that they are safe.

Business Contact Details

Business details are available on the site that reveals where they are located. The pharmacy is located in Novi, Michigan. Searching for this location shows that it looks like a factory or distribution center, though the name of the pharmacy isn’t found in the images.

no pharmacy logos

This information about where the business is operating could be a concern, but it’s unlikely to be a real problem.

Regulatory Approvals

They have a logo on the site for the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy, indicating that they are accredited. This is the sort of regulatory approval they need to be legal when operating in the United States.


Clicking on this seal does prove that their regulation claims are genuine.


When we check with LegitScript, they show that the store has their approval and are considered legit.

This shows that the NABP accreditation is genuine, and the pharmacy is working in the way they should to protect their customers.

Pills on Sale

The pharmacy offers the normal range of medicines you would expect to find in a traditional drugstore. Since the pills are dispensed from a location in the USA, and the business has the accreditation they need, the pills should be safe.

What is the Birdi Price?

The pharmacy offers a system called the Birdi Price. This is an attempt to help make prescriptions more affordable for people without insurance.


For customers without insurance, they can choose this pricing system that should give more competitive prices on many drugs. If you have insurance or use Medicaid or Medicare, you aren’t eligible to benefit from these prices, however.

They do provide a list of the medications available for this lower price, though they don’t give the prices. This makes it very difficult to see if the prices they offer are actually as low as they claim.

Prescription Requirements

The store does require a prescription as they should. You can ask your doctor or prescriber to pass on your prescription to the pharmacy, or they can contact them on your behalf. Transferring your prescription is made easy by simply telling them the drugstore you currently use to move over to Birdi.

Payment and Shipping

The pages on the drugstore are secure to protect customers from fraud. They will accept insurance as well as other payment methods, though they don’t give any details about this unless you go through the process.

Shipping is offered for free from this store. If you need your medication faster, they do offer other delivery options, though they will include a cost. Unfortunately, they don’t give details about how much this cost will be or the shipping options they have. Reviews

The store doesn’t display any reviews on the site, and we are unable to find any elsewhere online. There are some reviews for their app, but they aren’t exactly good.


People have rated the app with low scores due to it not seemingly working very well. This isn’t necessarily a fair reflection on how the pharmacy operates, though it hardly looks very good for the store.


This pharmacy has the regulatory approvals they need to have to stay legal when selling medicine online. They also offer lower prices for people without insurance and free standard delivery on your order.

Though despite these positives, there are a few reasons to not give the pharmacy top marks. They don’t have any customer feedback, and they should be more transparent about their pricing.

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