Reviews – Men’s Health Pills Without Rx

main page is an online pharmacy that is based in the United States which specializes in manufacturing and selling its own product line that consists of medication that is chewing gum-based and geared towards men. On this pharmacy website, you will find a custom USA phone number that you can send a message to, multiple contact emails and also a chat box featured on the bottom right-hand side that you can use to get in touch. In this article, we are going to be making sure that this online drugstore is keeping to their promises and operating within the law.

Domain Details
Date of Registry2005-02-17
Main Details
Drugstore NameBluechew
Regulatory Approvals
LegitScriptProbationary certified status
Contact Info
Free Number+1-888-366-2583
Contact Form
Shipping Methods
Standard Mail
Express Delivery
Free Shipping
Payment Options
E-Check or Personal Check
American Express, Western Union

Domain Info

The domain for this drugstore website was first registered on the 17th of February 2005 and it was last updated on the 12th of August 2018. As of now, the domain is set to expire on the 17th of February 2022.

in business since 2005

Information about how long this e-commerce platform has been running for is not included on the pharmacy website itself however that is not a big issue as it says that the website was last updated in 2019.

Furthermore, the domain has been registered for nearly 15 years so there is little risk in closing down the website and running with your money.

Business Profile

The website is owned by a company called Dermacare LLC that is based on 335 N Canal Street in Chicago, Illinois. The current CEO of this company is called Stephen Sullivan.


On Scamadviser, this pharmacy website has a trust score of 100% which is impressive for an online entity that has been running for so long.

Regulatory Approval

This pharmaceutical website is an approved member of the HIPAA regulations body and the products that it sells are FDA approved. However, it is currently not an approved member of other reputable regulatory bodies such as the CPA and MIPA.

probationary certified

On LegitScript, this online pharmacy is rated as ‘probationary certified’ which means that currently this online drugstore is meeting the current verification and ownership information disclosure requirements but in the past, it did not meet all of the requirements so you need to be vigilant.

Products and Pricing

Currently, you are not able to buy any products from this website or order any prescriptions, instead, there are plans that you subscribe to where you will get the medication that you subscribed to delivered straight to where you live.

active, busy, pro and popular plans

Best Features of This Platform

On this pharmaceutical website, there is 24/7 customer service promised for free to all customers allowing you quickly resolve any issues and questions that you may have.

  • Social Media Presence, this drugstore website has a very strong social media presence with tens of thousands of followers on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. This helps add to the legitimacy of this platform and it gives you another way to get in touch with the customer service of this online pharmacy.
  • Profile, additionally you are able to register for an account on this online drugstore allowing you to track all the transactions that you make as well as be able to keep a record more easily of your conversations with the customer service.
  • FAQ, in this section you can read up on the most asked questions by other customers of this website and broaden your knowledge about how this website works saving you time from having to have long conversations with the customer service agents.
  • 30 Day Full Refund, if you are not fully satisfied with the products that you have ordered from this website you are able to request and receive a full refund regardless of the reason.
  • Chatbox, as mentioned at the beginning of this review article there is a chat feature where you can get in contact with one of the members of the online pharmacy team who will help you with your inquiry.

Payment and Shipping

On this pharmaceutical platform, there are currently only two ways to pay, the first payment method is by paying using a bank transfer and the second payment method is to pay using popular credit card processors such as Mastercard, Visa, and the Discover card.

4 articles about delivery

When using this drugstore website you have the choice between two shipping methods, the Standard shipping method takes between 3 and 5 days to be completed and the Express shipping method takes from 1 to 3 days.

Customer Reviews

When we checked online for third party reviews about this pharmaceutical website we were able to find quite a large number of such reviews from third websites that are legit. Although the majority seem to give average review scores that average around 3 stars out of 5 they still prove that this e-commerce website delivers what customers pay for.

feedback from the site

On the online drugstore itself, there are video testimonials and normal text-based testimonials feature that overwhelmingly positive, this is a bit misleading at the site’s owners can easily edit the testimonials featured on the pharmacy site.

Is Website a Scam or Legit?

This pharmacy website is a legit online retailer that is currently operating within the law, with the site being part of a trustworthy and well known regulatory body as well as there being a large number of third party testimonials about this website.

On URL Void, there are currently no warnings about this online pharmacy which is good considering how long the site has existed for.


To conclude, is a real online drugstore that you should have no worries about using as there is a lot of evidence showing that they deliver the products that customers pay for.

Possible alternatives

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