Reviews – Possible Deception as the name implies is one of the cheapest pharmacy websites we found while searching for online stores that offer discounts and bonuses. Though a lot of pharmacy websites popped up on our browsers, we chose to go with them since we will be providing a comprehensive review of the company. So, make sure you stick with us till the end of the article to know if we can trust and do business with them.

Domain Details
Date of Registry2023-03-04
Main Details
Drugstore NameHealth&Beauty
Regulatory Approvals
LegitScriptRogue status
Contact Info
Free Number+1-800-943-9753
Contact Form
Shipping Methods
Standard Mail
Express Delivery
Free Shipping
Payment Options
E-Check or Personal Check
American Express, Western Union

Domain Information

A look up at the domain details on, we discovered that was registered on 2023-03-04. We further noticed that the website has its server located in the US with an expiration date set on 2025-05-04. Also, there are multiple reports of client’s privacy which has made it quite impossible for us to know more about the company.


For instance, we have no clue of the real name of the CEO or admin, the address of the company, email, and registrant organization. Also, the company claimed to have been in existence for 16 years, which is not true. We can confirm this statement from the sources and data we gathered while scanning the domain details of the website.

Business Profile is just like your traditional walk-in store as they provide a variety of medications that treat different types of conditions. Also, they claim to comply with the Drugs and Cosmetic Acts of India and other regulatory rules that guide online pharmacies. So, there is no need to worry when you place an order on their website.

not recommended

However, the result from tells us a different story that goes contrary to what is up there. Firstly, has a low trust score of 13%. Secondly, there are no trust records and traffic is too low to make any reasonable sales. Also, we noticed that the website is using the name of a popular online store to lure and deceive people into thinking that they are genuine and trustworthy.

Regulatory Approvals

Local and international agencies have been set up by different countries of the world to regulate the pharmacies that operate online. They have gone a long way in helping us differentiate a scam pharmacy website from a genuine one. So in this review, we also going to use them to know if we can or not.

According to CIPA, is yet to be recognized as a legal entity in Canada, South America, and other neighboring countries. Also, when we checked the database of NABP we were shown something like this statement. But this time they have been blacklisted for good and they are not to be seen selling drugs or medications in the U.S.


Furthermore, the result from is quite discouraging as it confirms all of our speculations about the online store. For instance, was not only declared a “Rogue” pharmacy but an online store that violated applicable laws. So, you need to shine your eyes very well on things that are been sold there.

Products and Pricing is an online pharmacy that we call Jack of all trades. They have everything you will ever call a medication or drug waiting for you to tap into. However, the result from our analysis proves that you might end up with fake or expired drugs which might complicate things for you.

men's related drugs

Furthermore, price is not an issue for those who choose to shop from this online store. You can get pills for as low as ¢50. Although, the cost might go up when you factor in the amount it will take to deliver the package.

Payments and Shipping

To pay for the medications you bought on, you will have to choose between two payment methods. The credit or debit card method and Bitcoin. However, the website does not seem to make use of an SSL certificate which exposes your card details to hackers.

Furthermore, there is free shipping available for orders that crossed the mark of $200. So if you want to enjoy this offer, you will have to buy something worth over $200. However, if this is your first time buying something from this website, we will not advise you to spend so much money on them. Reviews

We couldn’t gather any customer reviews from their website and our visit to gave us nothing. That’s the result you get from a pharmacy website with no traffic and sales. Also, when no one is visiting the website, there is no way the company will be able to get any reviews from its customers.


Is a Scam or Legit? is a scam pharmacy website that failed all the tests we conducted to know if they are truly reliable and trustworthy. Also, they are not recognized by any governmental agencies in the world which makes our suspicion of the website valid.

Conclusion is a fake pharmacy website that appears to use the name of another popular pharmacy. You shouldn’t in any way give them your money or take any medications from them; that’s if your health is your main priority.

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