Reviews – Well-Liked is a Canadian drugstore offering men’s health treatments entirely online. But is this pharmacy operating in the way that it should, and is it worth your consideration if you’re looking for this type of treatment? We take a look at what this store has to offer.

Domain Details
Date of Registry2019-07-01
Main Details
Drugstore NameEssential
Regulatory Approvals
LegitScriptCertified status
Contact Info
Free Number+1-833-668-3763
Contact Form
Shipping Methods
Standard Mail
Express Delivery
Free Shipping
Payment Options
E-Check or Personal Check
American Express, Western Union

Domain Name Information

Details in the domain name database show that this pharmacy has been registered since 2019. This isn’t really a huge amount of time and could raise suspicions that this store isn’t legit, but it is unclear at this stage.

registered in 2019

The pharmacy is registered to Essential Health Systems Inc. which is located in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. This is the sort of information we would expect to find from a genuine business, so this makes the pharmacy seem more safe.

Business Profile

The business name that is shown in the domain name records is repeated on their website. They also give an address in Calgary that matches the details in the domain name database, this is reassuring and makes them seem legit.

valid location

They show a map and an image of the outside of the office location. Though there is no way for us to be certain 100 percent that they are located in the building they claim to be. It could be that they are using a mailbox from within the building, but we don’t suspect that is really the situation.

On the website, they also give information about the main members of staff working in their organization. This seems to be genuine and makes them seem more legit.

Regulatory Approval

The pharmacy says that its healthcare providers are currently licensed in their respective provinces and use the same criteria as a traditional healthcare provider does. They don’t, however, display any regulatory seals though they do say that they are certified by LegitScript.


We can see that their claims are correct when we check LegitScript’s website. They are certified which means they have the correct regulatory approvals to be in business.

Treatments Provided

The website specializes in treatments for men. This includes:

men's health treatment
  • Hair loss treatments
  • Men’s health drugs

The service offered is telemedicine where a consultation is required before meds will be shipped. This consultation will be with Canadian licensed healthcare workers and consultations cost $39 CAD for a 1 year prescription.

If the healthcare worker finds that you are suitable for the treatment you want, they will issue a prescription. If you are not suitable for the pills they sell, they will refund the $39 to you.

On top of this consultation and prescription cost, you also have to pay for the medicine which starts at $10.87 per dose. They will automatically charge your credit card 2 weeks before the end of the 3 month period before they dispatch your meds.

The treatments provided should be safe as they are being dispensed in Canada, though they don’t give details of the dispensing pharmacies used.

This service is only available to Canadians, but not if you are in the Yukon.

Payment and Shipping

Payment for your treatments is through major credit cards and it operates like a subscription service. The website is secure, so you don’t have to worry about your information going missing.

Shipping is included in the price of the treatments, and it can take one day for your pills to be dispatched. Deliveries are then expected between 1 and 3 business days after dispatch. Reviews

The pharmacy is collecting customer feedback on Trustpilot and they have good ratings. These reviews give the store 4.8 out of 5 from a total of 300 customer comments.

mostly positive

Though they do receive a few negative comments from customers, this is expected and not necessarily anything that indicates problems with the store. But having a total of 4.8 certainly ensures that most customers have a safe experience with the drugstore.


This pharmacy seems to be providing a service that is well-liked by its customers if feedback is anything to go by. They offer a limited range of services, but they are following the expected prescription requirements.

There are some downsides with this pharmacy, like the cost and the fact it is only available in Canada.

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