GoGoMeds.com Reviews – Free Delivery

For those searching for a cost-effective and reliable source of pharmaceuticals, GoGoMeds.com is designed to provide them with the products they need with speedy delivery times. As an online pharmacy featuring both generic and brand-name medications, customers are able to find what they’re looking for in one convenient place without having to endure long lines at their local store or face other issues such as running out of refills too soon. In order to help you determine whether this website meets their needs, we have conducted a comprehensive review that evaluates various aspects.

Domain Details
Date of Registry2017-03-20
CountryUnited States
Main Details
Drugstore NameGoGoMeds
Regulatory Approvals
LegitScriptCertified status
Contact Info
Free Number+1-888-795-5826
Contact Form
Shipping Methods
Standard Mail
Express Delivery
Free Shipping
Payment Options
E-Check or Personal Check
American Express, Western Union

Domain Info

WHOIS information is an important tool that can help internet users identify the source of a website, its owners, and contact information. It can be used to verify the authenticity of a website or domain name before providing any personal or financial data. It also helps copyright holders protect their content from being plagiarized online by identifying potential infringers.

  • The domain Gogomeds.com was first registered on March 20th, 2017, which means they have been running for over half a decade.
  • The website was most recently updated on March 21st, 2023, implying that the developers are still working on it.
  • Lastly, they are set to expire on March 20, 2024.

One chink in the armor that we observed is that they are using a paid proxy service to hide their identity and location, which could easily be perceived as a red flag as they are not transparent enough.

in business since 2017

Business Profile 

When checking the business profile of Gogomeds.com, we went through their website. Their webpage is professionally built, with appropriate details showcased on the homepage. In addition to that, we ran them on Scamadviser, which has given them a rating of 100 out of 100. Scamadviser is a credible source when investigating the business profile of any website; they use up to 40 public sources to give their verdict.

high trust

Regulatory Approvals

Regulatory approvals are important because they help differentiate legit pharmacies from scam ones. It is crucial for any online pharmacy to be approved by NABP, CIPA, and LegitScript.

nabp and legitscript

Fortunately, upon checking Gogomeds.com, we found out that not only are they registered with NABP (the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy), but they are also approved by LegitScript. Normally, these two approvals should be enough for anyone to put their faith in Gogomeds.com. However, we will still look into other details. 

Payment and Shipping

Gogomeds.com takes their security pretty seriously, and they do not allow any medication without a proper prescription. For a foolproof system, they devised three steps for ordering medicines from them.

First, they will ask you to get your doctor to send them a prescription. This way, people cannot purchase any medications without a prescription. Next, you will have to go to their website, create your profile, and choose the medicines you are looking for. After that, you can pay for your order using your credit or debit card. They may contact your doctor or their office to cross-check if the prescription is legit. Once they have affirmed the legitimacy of the prescription, they will ship your order to your address.

free shipping

Normally, they offer free shipping options all across the 50 states of the USA, but it takes 2 to 9 business days depending on your location. Moreover, you can choose next-day shipping, which costs $50 but is ideal for refrigerated medications such as insulin.

Products and Pricing

Upon going through their website, we observed that they have not listed any products of medicine on their homepage, unlike some pharmacies, which showcase mainly men’s health medication, which is a classic tactic to scam innocent people.

 Instead of meds, they have given their introduction, how they work, their services, and their regulatory approvals. They have maintained complete transparency on their website, which is a red flag for any website, let alone an online pharmacy.

Gogomeds.com Reviews 

Customer reviews are essential when determining whether you should buy any product from an online store or not. We checked Trustpilot for any reviews on Gogomeds.com. As expected, we found 2625 reviews with a total rating of 4.3 stars.

These ratings and reviews are enough for us and you to determine that they are a legit pharmacy and that you can purchase your medications from them.

4.3 out of 5 stars

However, some customer’s complaint highlights multiple issues with the ordering process, including significant delays in order processing and shipment, lack of communication regarding stock availability, and failure to fulfill a requested overnight shipping. These shortcomings indicate a breakdown in customer service and call for prompt action from the company to address the problems and improve the overall customer experience.



We conducted a thorough review of Gogomeds.com, and we concluded that they are a legit pharmacy and you can purchase any medication from them. They have a 100 out of 100 rating on Scamadviser, and they are NABP and LegitScript certified.

In addition to that, they strictly regulate the use of prescriptions, and you cannot purchase any medications without an authentic prescription from your doctor. What’s more, they have excellent customer reviews on Trustpilot and other platforms. All of these factors point in the direction of Gogomeds.com, a legit online pharmacy.

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