Reviews – Blessing in Disguise?

common view is a pharmacy that offers bonuses to customers as well as low prices. But do they provide a reliable service and should you choose them? We take a look.

Domain Details
Date of Registry2015-05-11
CountryUnited States
Main Details
Drugstore NameCanadian Pharmacy
Regulatory Approvals
LegitScriptRogue status
Contact Info
Free Number
Contact Form
Shipping Methods
Standard Mail
Express Delivery
Free Shipping
Payment Options
E-Check or Personal Check
American Express, Western Union

Domain Name Information

The domain name records show that this pharmacy has been online since 2015. Though this is a fairly long time for a pharmacy to have been in business, there is still a risk of them being a scam.

registered in 2015

Checking the contact information in the record shows that they are using a privacy service that hides their details. This can be used by reputable businesses but we find it very often with scam pharmacies.

Business Profile

This pharmacy gives a Canadian business address which isn’t surprising based on the main logo of the store. However, when we check out this address we discover a rather major problem.


The address this business is using isn’t genuine. It isn’t shown in Google and is using a province code that isn’t correct for Montreal. Montreal is in Quebec which uses the province code QC, strange then that this pharmacy doesn’t know their own address.

The reason for this error seems rather obvious, this is a fake address.

Regulatory Approval

The pharmacy does have regulatory seals on their page, and this will no doubt give reassurance to customers. However, this trust would be ill-placed.

We can click on these seals, but the results we get aren’t what we were expecting. Instead of sending us to to the regulatory association website to validate the accreditation, we get something else.

The pharmacy site has pop-ups of certificates that we can clearly see aren’t genuine. They are hosted on the store’s site and they don’t even have the pharmacy’s name on them.


Instead of saying, the certificate says Canadian Neighbor Pharmacy. These are fake certificates that the owner of the site didn’t even spend the time to change to their own domain or business name.

Pills Sold

The store offers a range of generic drugs to customers. Prices are fairly low, as you would imagine for generic medications.

The pharmacy does mention brand names on their product pages but doesn’t actually say who is the manufacturer of their generic medications is. This increases the risk to customers who could find themselves purchasing pills that aren’t the high-quality they expect.

popular drugs

They also say that you don’t need a prescription to order whatever medications you want to buy. This is clearly contrary to the normal practice for a pharmacy and indicates that this store isn’t concerned about the safety of their customers.

This could mean that the pills you are purchasing don’t actually contain the correct ingredients to treat their condition. And given what we’ve already found, we can’t be sure that you actually get the pills you order in the first place. Though if they are low-quality, this could be a blessing in disguise.

Free Bonuses

Free shipping is available when you spend more than $150 for airmail and over $300 for express courier delivery. They also offer free insurance when you spend more than $200, though this is something that should be included for free anyway.

free pills

Free meds are offered as well, though these are men’s health drugs and won’t be suitable for all customers. Despite this, they still give them away and don’t require a valid prescription for them, like the rest of the pills on their store.

Payment Methods

The pharmacy does have the basic level of security you would expect, and you can pay with:

  • Bitcoin
  • Echeck
  • PayPal
  • MasterCard
  • American Express


Choose between regular airmail that will take between 3 and 6 weeks to arrive with you, and express courier delivery taking 2 to 4 weeks. Airmail will cost you $9.95 and express courier delivery costs $29.95. This is quite a large difference in price for not that big of a difference in speed of delivery. Reviews

Some reviews can be found on independent sites, though it isn’t good for the pharmacy. This indicates rather terrible things for the pharmacy and further suggests that this is a scam.



There are many reasons to suggest that purchasing your medication at this store would be a mistake. This pharmacy has chosen to deceive their customers with the use of fake accreditation, and if that wasn’t bad enough, they are also using a fake address.

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