Reviews – Established

common view is a pharmacy that promises they are reliable and you’ll be served by fully licensed staff. They say they’ve been in business for a very long time, but should you choose to purchase your meds with them? We investigate the service they provide.

Domain Details
Date of Registry2005-10-26
CountryUnited States
Main Details
Drugstore NameMedic RX Pharmacy Services
Regulatory Approvals
LegitScriptNot in the database
Contact Info
Free Number+1-318-221-0691
Contact Form
Shipping Methods
Standard Mail
Express Delivery
Free Shipping
Payment Options
E-Check or Personal Check
American Express, Western Union

Domain Name Information

The domain name that this pharmacy is using has been registered since 2005, this is a long time and makes the pharmacy more likely to be legit.

registered in 2005

There isn’t any contact information in the domain registration that tells us where the business is really based or who the owner is. Instead, the owner of the website has used a proxy service to keep their registration details quiet. Though this can look suspicious, it need not be and is something many businesses do.

Business Profile

The pharmacy gives a business address right on the front page of their website. This shows that they are located in Shreveport, Louisiana, USA.

real location

Checking this address does show that there is a pharmacy at the location they give. This appears to show that the pharmacy isn’t a scam since they are really located where they claim to be.

We have also found that they have been in business for a very long time, over 60 years in fact, which should ensure they know what they’re doing and are legit.

Regulatory Approval

This is pharmacy is based in Louisiana and they should be licensed by the state pharmacy board. Checking the Louisiana Board of Pharmacy database shows that is drugstore is correctly licensed as they should be.


Service Provided

As well as prescriptions and over-the-counter medications, the pharmacy offers a range of different services. These include:

android and ios
  • Compounding
  • Vaccinations
  • Medical therapy management
  • Medication adherence
  • Men’s health

Since the meds are dispensed from the location they give and this is correctly licensed by the state board, they should be safe for customers of the pharmacy. The pharmacy allows you to sign up as a new customer and transfer prescriptions online as well as order refills.

Along with regular pharmacy services, the store also offers online wellness classes for their customers. These are short online courses that help people improve their health in a few different areas. These courses include:

  • Diabetes
  • Weight loss
  • High cholesterol
  • Asthma

Along with these other services, the pharmacy allows you to download an app to use on your Android or Apple phone. The pharmacy uses the PocketRx app which will be preconfigured allowed to use their services.

Payment Options

While the pharmacy site is as secure as you would expect, it doesn’t appear that they allow you to make a purchase online. You can transfer prescriptions over and order refills, but you might only be able to pay for them when you visit the store to collect them.


The pharmacy does not make any mention of shipping to customers. This might mean that the only way to get medicine from this pharmacy is to collect it from their store. Naturally, this means the pharmacy has only really going to be a viable option if you live nearby. Reviews

The pharmacy has reviews posted on their website from happy customers.

mostly positive

This is not entirely ideal as negative comments could be deleted. It is fortunate to find customer feedback on independent websites as well, and this includes Yelp and their Google business page.

Most of the customer feedback is on the Google page, and they have an overall rating of 4.5 out of 5. The pharmacy has a total of 40 customer comments on the Google page and most give them my top marks.

There are occasional dissenting voices, though this is to be expected for a business that has been around for a long time. Overall sentiment for the pharmacy is clearly good, showing that they provide a good and reliable service for their customers.


Our look at what this pharmacy is doing does seem to suggest they do things reliably and are a legit business. They have the correct regulation they should do, have been in business for a very long time, and have good customer feedback.

The big downside with this drugstore is the fact that they do most of their business offline, making this only a good choice if you live locally.

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