Reviews – Purely Rogue

In the competitive digital marketplace, emerges as a player in the online pharmacy industry, aiming to cater to a broad audience with a comprehensive array of both generic and brand-name drugs. Promising affordability and convenience, it seeks to establish itself as a reliable source for medical needs around the clock. However, with many options available, the question remains: is a trustworthy platform? This review will delve into the details of what has to offer, assessing its legitimacy and reliability for potential customers seeking a dependable online pharmacy.

Domain Details
Date of Registry2023-04-22
Main Details
Drugstore NameHappy Family Store
Regulatory Approvals
LegitScriptRogue status
Contact Info
Free Number+1-888-243-7406
Contact Form
Shipping Methods
Standard Mail
Express Delivery
Free Shipping
Payment Options
E-Check or Personal Check
American Express, Western Union

Domain Information

The domain for was initially registered on 22-04-2023, indicating a relatively new entry into the online pharmacy market. It was last updated on 26-02-2024 and is set to expire on 22-04-2025. This short registration period often requires scrutiny, as longevity in domain registration can be a sign of business stability and commitment.

registered in 2023

This brief domain lifespan raises questions about the long-term reliability and intentions of, urging potential customers to proceed with caution when considering its services.

  • Domain registered on: 22-04-2023
  • Address provided: No
  • Phone number: No

Business Profile

The business profile of raises significant concerns. It has earned a remarkably low TrustScore of 1/100 on, a score that indicates potential risk. Additionally, iQ Abuse Scan has flagged the website for spam activities, further tarnishing its reputation.

low trust

The absence of customer reviews on deprives potential users of critical feedback from previous customers, leaving the site’s reliability in question. These factors collectively suggest that may not be a trustworthy platform for online pharmaceutical needs.

  • Organization name: No
  • Address provided: No
  • Phone number: +1 (888) 243-74-06

Regulatory Approvals lacks crucial regulatory approvals, casting serious doubts on its legitimacy. It does not appear in the NABP database, which is often a key indicator of compliance with pharmacy standards.


Additionally, has labeled it as a rogue website, indicating non-compliance with applicable laws or regulations. Furthermore, it is not a member of CIPA, further questioning its credibility. These deficiencies highlight significant risks for consumers considering for their pharmacy needs.

Available Products and Pricing offers a diverse inventory, including medications for anti-viral, anti-acidity, antibiotics, anti-allergic/asthma, anti-depressant, anti-diabetic, anti-fungus, anti-herpes, blood pressure, and both men’s and women’s health.

men's related drugs

Additionally, the site promotes attractive shipping and return policies with free shipping on orders over $200.00 and a 100% money-back guarantee. Each product listing on the website includes detailed pricing and packaging information, enhancing transparency. However, without regulatory approvals, the authenticity and safety of these medications remain questionable despite the comprehensive product range and consumer-oriented policies.

Payment and Shipping Methods provides several payment options, accepting major credit and debit cards such as MasterCard and Visa, alongside modern alternatives like crypto-transfers, SEPA, and E-checks.

For shipping, customers can select from two methods: a Courier Delivery Service that offers real-time tracking and promises delivery within 4-9 business days or Standard Airmail, which does not include tracking and takes 15-21 business days for delivery. These options cater to different needs and preferences, although the lack of tracking on standard shipments might be a concern for some customers. Reviews lacks customer reviews on independent platforms like, which could be a critical red flag for potential buyers seeking unbiased opinions.

not found

Additionally, while the site features a testimonials page, the authenticity of these endorsements is questionable, as they could be fabricated to enhance the site’s image. This absence of verifiable customer feedback on recognized third-party sites and the presence of potentially manipulated testimonials on their own site raises concerns about transparency and reliability, urging customers to approach with caution.

Conclusion presents several warning signs that prospective customers should consider. The lack of regulatory approvals, questionable customer testimonials, and the absence of reviews on reputable external sites suggest potential risks. While the pharmacy offers a wide range of products and flexible payment and shipping options, these positives are overshadowed by significant transparency and credibility issues.

Consumers are advised to exercise caution and seek more established and verifiable online pharmacies. Due diligence is essential when choosing an online pharmacy to ensure safety and reliability in obtaining medical supplies.

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