Reviews – Chinese Company?

When it comes to evaluating online pharmacies, it’s crucial to exercise caution and ensure their legitimacy. In this review, we’ll focus on assessing to determine whether it is a trustworthy option. We’ll delve into various aspects, including user reviews, ratings, and comparisons, to provide you with an informed perspective. So, sit back, relax, and explore the details in this article to make an informed decision about the legitimacy of

Domain Details
Date of Registry2017-01-05
Main Details
Drugstore NameOnline Pharmacy
Regulatory Approvals
LegitScriptRogue status
Contact Info
Free Number+1-800-715-5341
Contact Form
Shipping Methods
Standard Mail
Express Delivery
Free Shipping
Payment Options
E-Check or Personal Check
American Express, Western Union

Domain Information

The first step in our review is to check the domain Information of the website. According to, the domain was registered on 2017/01/05 under NICENIC INTERNATIONAL GROUP CO., LIMITED. This means the domain has been in operation since 2017 and still counting.

registered in 2017

Furthermore, the domain was last updated on 2023/03/15 and it’s set to expire by 2024/01/04. This means the domain will have to be renewed by January 2024 which is only a few days from the time of this article publication. Also, we noticed that the registrant’s name, address, and admin email have been redacted for privacy purposes. This means we won’t be able to verify the physical address and the real owners of the pharmacy website.

Business Profile strives to maintain and improve every phase of your business and satisfy the needs of its customers. All products on their website are available to be shipped – that means they have them in stock and can ship them to you within 48 hours after payment clearance. Furthermore, has over 7 years of online experience and offers a 100% delivery guarantee.

the lowest

However, when we checked, we noticed that has a low trust score of 1 out of 100. Some of the negative highlights we noticed about this online pharmacy include the use of high-risk cryptocurrency services, anonymous payment methods, negative reviews, etc. So you need to be very careful when dealing with this type of online store as most of them are scams.

Regulatory Approvals

Another important metric we use in evaluating the legitimacy and trustworthiness of a pharmacy website is to check for compliance with local and international laws. According to the Canadian International Pharmacy Association (CIPA), the domain is not a recognized member of the association. This means they are not licensed to sell drugs in any of the Canadian territories.

invalid membership

Furthermore, when we checked the database of the National Association Board of Pharmacy (NABP), we noticed that has been serviceadded to their list of unsafe and risky pharmacy websites. This means their operations and activities in the United States are illegal and against the law. So make sure you thread carefully when buying medications from the website.

Finally, to check for more regulatory approvals we took a huge step to visit However, the result of our findings revealed that is a ‘Rogue’ pharmacy website that does not adhere to accepted standards of medical and/or pharmacy practice, including standards of safety; and/or engages in fraudulent or deceptive business practices.

Products and Pricing

The Generic drugs that sells are equivalent to brand drugs in terms of dosage, safety, strength, quality, the way they work, and the way they’re taken. Generics provide the same therapeutic benefits as brand drugs but cost less. However, we are not sure if they are FDA-approved or not. So make sure you check the expiry and production date.

popular drugs

Furthermore, the prices of drugs available on are unbeatable. They have huge discounts for old and new customers who buy medications from their website. Nonetheless, you shouldn’t allow the price of their medications to get into your head as they are mostly used to lure people to put in their credit and debit card details.

Payments and Shipping is committed to ensuring the safety of your purchase, as well as your details and they want their customers to feel safe before, during, and after their online transaction. Also, the eCommerce platform makes use of PCI DSS (Payment Credit Card Industry Data Security Standard) compliant, which means that it meets the highest security standards to protect cardholder data.

Furthermore, you may choose one of the two shipping methods:

  • Airmail shipping (up to 2-3 weeks)
  • Courier Service delivery ( up to 5-7 business days)

However, while Free Airmail shipping applies to orders over $200; Free Courier shipping is available for orders over $300. So make sure you buy up to the minimum amount to enjoy the free delivery option. Reviews

In other to know what other people are saying about we took a visit to However, we couldn’t find a single customer review that would help us determine if the pharmacy website is legit or not. So on this note, it won’t be wrong if we conclude that they are fraud and not legit.

no comments found


After investigation and review of the above information, we concluded that is a scam and not legit. Some of the bases for our decision hinges on the absence of regulatory approvals and customer reviews. However, if you’re interested in buying from a verified and top-rated pharmacy website, then feel free to browse through our blog today.

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