Reviews – Lovely Texas-Based Medical Resource

main page is a traditional pharmacy in the United States that also provides delivery services. Operating out of Grapevine in Texas, the pharmacy’s objective is to help customers develop effective medication plans. They guarantee fast services and competent guidance.

Domain Details
Date of Registry2011-12-27
Main Details
Drugstore NameYour Rx Pharmacy
Regulatory Approvals
LegitScriptLegitimate Status
Contact Info
Free Number866-549-5455
Contact Form
Shipping Methods
Standard Mail
Express Delivery
Free Shipping
Payment Options
E-Check or Personal Check
American Express, Western Union

Domain Info

This website was created on the 27th of December 2011. They have been in business for over seven years which is impressive. That lifespan suggests that the drugstore has managed to nurture a strong relationship with a litany of consumers who have continued to support its operations up to this day.


Related Websites

This portal doesn’t have any related websites. It has a trust rating of 99% from ScamAdviser. So clearly ScamAdviser believes that they are legit. Besides the fact that they originate from the United States, you won’t find much information regarding the company’s online activities, not even the name of its owner. But that doesn’t mean anything. More than likely, this website is a traditional pharmacy first and an online drugstore second. They do a lot of business with customers who visit their premises directly.


Business Profile

This pharmacy is based in Grapevine, Texas, specifically 2637 Ira E. Woods Ave. They operate much like any other pharmacy. They have physical premises that you can visit to purchase your drugs. But you can also initiate orders for medicine online. They have a system that can help you to better understand your medical condition by analyzing your symptoms and matching them with potential diseases. The pharmacy discourages its customers from relying solely on this resource for their healthcare needs. They would prefer to see patients consult professional physicians before coming to this website to order for medicine.

about them

That being said, they are more than happy to make their online diagnosis system available to people that cannot access a physician but who desperately need to identify their illness in order to treat it. It is worth mentioning that the people behind the website keep a number of pharmacists on hand whose job it is to guide customers on the best way to resolve their conditions. These men and women have been charged with helping patients to create medical plans, not to mention recommending treatments. If you have a doctor, they will coordinate with him or her to make sure that your medication plan is appropriate for your medical history.

Regulatory Authorization

LegitScript has classified this website as a legitimate internet pharmacy. This is probably because they have a VIPPS seal from the National Association Boards of Pharmacy. They also have URAC accreditation. The pharmacy is a legal corporate entity that is registered with the relevant bodies in Texas. They have all the licenses they need to dispense drugs in the US.


Available Products

This is a general pharmacy, so it sells drugs that treat those illnesses and conditions that afflict most people.


Pricing, Payments, and Deliveries

The drugs purchased from this pharmacy are quite cheap. This is because the medical company works very hard to match the prices of all its competitors. They also have a number of coupons and manufacturer rebates that they use to make their price tags the most affordable they could ever be. When it comes to payments, the options on offer include:

  • MasterCard and Visa
  • Discover and American Express
  • Cash and Checks

They also accept insurance from major providers like Medicaid, Chip, Humana, Medco, and Secure Horizons, to mention but a few. Deliveries are only made to the states of Wyoming, Arkansas, Ohio, Arizona, Utah, Colorado, Pennsylvania, Missouri, South Carolina, Nevada, North Carolina, New Mexico, and Oklahoma. Deliveries are free.


You can find the reviews and testimonials on Yelp. They are quite mixed. One consumer praised the pharmacy for making an overnight delivery of dermatology medication despite the fact that the pharmacy was located in Texas and she had asked them to bring her order to Houston. But another consumer complained that the pharmacists were very disrespectful.

positive comment


This website is hardly perfect. Their online presence is sorely lacking. But they are the furthest thing from a scam. This traditionally operated drugstore uses legitimate business practices to sell and deliver medicine to customers in more than a dozen states.

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