Treatment and Prevention of Allergies

common view

With spring on the horizon, many people will suffer from allergies. In fact, according to the Allergy and Asthma Foundation of America, “50 million American’s suffer from various allergies each year.” Allergies are the 6th leading cause of illness in the United States. Whether it’s outdoor environmental hazards, poor indoor air quality, or food allergies, more people are facing allergies and experiencing an allergic reaction. Allergies can be mild, moderate, or severe and some people aren’t even aware they’re experiencing symptoms. Keep reading more details below to learn more about allergies, how to treat them, and what medications can be used to prevent allergy symptoms.

What Are Allergies?

An allergy is a result of the body’s reaction to a strange substance entering the body typically through the respiratory system. An individual can also have food and skin allergies. These foreign substances create an interaction with the immune system and as your system tries to ward off the substance an allergic reaction can occur. The immune system creates antibodies that identify an allergen – creating an allergic reaction. The sinuses, airways, skin, and digestive system can be impacted by allergies.

The following are the most common causes of allergies:

food and pets
  • bee venom
  • pollen
  • pet dander
  • dust mites
  • mold
  • soy
  • milk
  • peanuts
  • fish

A few people also suffer from prescription allergies by using penicillin. Environmental factors can also contribute to allergies.

What Should I Do If I Have Allergies?

If you’re experiencing allergy symptoms, talk to your doctor right away. To understand what’s causing your allergies, pay attention to the symptoms when you’re experiencing an allergic reaction. If you’re familiar with your symptoms, it makes it easier to give your doctor a thorough description of your possible allergy symptoms.

itching, vomiting, etc.

Some symptoms of allergies are common knowledge like a bee sting while others may require a test for allergies. If you go to your primary care doctor, you’ll be recommended to see an allergy specialist. An allergy specialist is called an allergist or immunologist and is responsible for treating and diagnosing

allergies, immunological deficiencies, and asthma. An allergist may also help some patients manage their allergies.

Understanding When To See An Allergist

Allergies can have an impact on major life activities. An immunologist is highly trained to diagnose, treat, and manage your allergy symptoms. Allergists treat allergies with nonsurgical methods. A small percentage of people suffer from life-threatening allergies known as anaphylaxis. The symptoms of anaphylaxis can occur from a food allergy like peanuts or a wasp sting.

Environmental allergies are very common and include nasal congestion and sinus headaches. Talk to your allergist for more details on the causes and symptoms of allergies.

What To Expect From An Allergy Test

If an allergy test is needed, there are two common types of allergy tests. An allergist may test an individual for allergies with a skin test or blood test. A skin test consists of using specific allergens on your skin to determine your allergic reaction. This is a mild skin test that usually doesn’t have long-term side effects. The skin is exposed to an allergen to provoke a slight controlled allergic reaction to determine the symptoms of a particular allergy. In case of an allergic reaction, an allergy test should only be performed by an allergist or immunologist. A skin test is safe for adults and children including infants and skin tests are occasionally not recommended when severe reactions may occur.

a woman

Patients that can’t take a skin test are given a blood test known as a vitro immunoglobulin E antibody test. A blood test isn’t administered for a penicillin allergy.

Before you take a skin test, talk to your doctor about your current medication because they can affect your skin test results.

Take a look at the short video clip to see how allergies impact the body:

How Are Allergies Treated?

An allergist will first diagnose the patient with allergies and then decide on the best treatment options. Your doctor may decide to treat your allergies or prescribe medication to manage your symptoms. There are several different possible allergies which require a unique medication regimen.

Treatment options for allergies include pills, creams, and injections. For example, the EpiPen® is used for serious allergic reactions like a bee sting or food allergy. When an individual can’t get to the emergency room for a serious allergic reaction, the EpiPen® is a self-administered needle used to reduce the symptoms of a life-threatening allergic reaction until the individual can seek medical care.


Allergies can be treated with over-the-counter (OTC) or prescription medication. Check out online pharmacy reviews 2021 to learn more about OTC treatment options for allergies. An online pharmacy can discuss the treatment options they have available on their pharmacy website. They are licensed and trained pharmacists that can discuss your specific treatment options.

If your doctor recommends prescription medication to treat your allergies, they’re also available at an online pharmacy. With the uncertainty of COVID-19, you can ensure you’re still getting the proper treatment for your allergies.

The following are a common list of OTC allergy treatment options also known as antihistamines:

  • Benadryl
  • Allegra®
  • Xyzal
  • Zyrtec

Prescription allergy medication includes:

  • Corticosteroids
  • Qvar

Some prescription medication is given for contact allergies that cause dermatitis. Your immunologist will determine your treatment or managed care options based on food, skin, or immune allergy. Online pharmacy reviews 2021 can also help you determine what side effects could be harmful to you. If you’re having symptoms with your current allergy medication, you should talk to your doctor right away. There are allergy treatment options available for both adults and children.


Allergies can be very challenging or mild, but there are ways to treat or manage your symptoms. It’s important to talk to your physician because allergies can get worse and become life-threatening. You can reduce or eliminate the symptoms of allergies on your own by improving your indoor air quality, avoiding environmental hazards, or not having pets.

Get help with your allergies by talking with your doctor today!

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