KamagraTop.com Reviews – Sugarcoated Lies

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KamagraTop.com is an online pharmacy that focuses on men sexual health pills that have a ready market always. They claim to be one of the largest online pharmacies that sell safe and effective medications at pocket-friendly rates. Also, they boast that they sell all kind of medications that treat various maladies. From our investigations, all the claims are sugarcoated lies that shouldn’t be trusted by anyone. Rogue online drugstores have a trend of using massive statements that are believed by naïve customers. This review is meant to unseal all details pertaining to the domain information, business profile and many others.

Domain Details
Date of Registry2016-10-14
CountryIndia, Russia
Main Details
Drugstore NameKamagra Top
Regulatory Approvals
LegitScriptRogue Status
Contact Info
Free Number
Contact Form
Shipping Methods
Standard Mail
Express Delivery
Free Shipping
Payment Options
E-Check or Personal Check
American Express, Western Union

Domain Information

This store has been around for a short period as per the domain records. It was registered on 2016-10-14 by the Rebel Ltd with a supposed expiry date of 2019-10-14. This is quite a little operation period commonly associated with scam websites. Further, the platform hasn’t acquired an online reputation that can explain more. Therefore, it’s inadvisable for a customer to shop in there because little is known.


Business Profile

This platform has concealed essential details that can reveal more information. They have just provided a resident State as GU and the country as IN. Unlike legit stores, scam websites shy-off in providing much of their details in the public domain. For instance, they haven’t provided a business name or a physical address that can facilitate tracing it. This is unprofessionalism of the highest order displayed by such a commercial website that sells medications. There’s a possibility of buying counterfeit or low-quality drugs that are harmful to the health of a consumer.


Regulatory Approvals

As expected, this store hasn’t displayed any seals that it has acquired from various regulatory bodies. Rogue websites are unbothered in looking for valid seals that can showcase approval. Relevant regulatory bodies come up with rules and regulations that govern the running of drugstores. A drugstore that successfully satisfies these bodies is issued with a seal. These bodies comprise of NABP, FDA, WHO, CIPA, LegitScript and many others. Checking on the LegitScript database, the store has been awarded a rogue drugstore status because it doesn’t meet the verification standards.

rogue status

Pricing and Products

Usually, the store specializes in both generic and brand name men’s and women’s health products. However, they also sell other medications that treat various ailments. These medications aren’t FDA approved and their sources are also unknown. Some of the pills sold in this store include:

  • Fildena
  • Cenforce
  • Sildenafil

The store’s pricing system is not considerate for these pills are expensive. This contradicts their initial claims of providing affordable medications to their customers. For instance, a pill of Sildenafil citrate is sold at $2.24 which is quite expensive compared to the normal market rates.

Payments and Shipping

This store lacks an SSL cert that can secure payments and personal details. Therefore, shopping there isn’t recommended because a scammer can intercept these details and use them for malicious acts. But if a shopper insists, they have provided several forms of payments that include:

  • Credit cards
  • Visa
  • MasterCard

At the moment, the store’s shipping policy covers all destinations except Canada. Therefore, orders are delivered at all indicated addresses by various customers. They either use registered airmail service or EMS as modes of shipping.

Delivery Timeline

This time is dictated by the method of shipping chosen by a customer and the dispatching point. In normal times, it takes 7 to 21 business days.

Customers’ Testimonials

A testimonial page where buyers can post their reviews is missing in this store. Most customers have a trend of going through this section to get a general overview of a business. Lack of reviews implies that this drugstore isn’t serious with what they offer. Further, there are no reviews on independent websites like TrustPilot.

no feedback


This platform is far from being legit due to various reasons. It lacks regulatory approvals that can showcase that it’s operating legally. A valid SSL certificate is missing and thus exposing a buyer’s details. Also, concealing much of its details leaves a bad image for it suggests that something fishy is going on there. Lastly, failure to provide a testimonial page is a massive let down to those customers who may be willing to leave feedbacks.

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