Reviews – Risky to Use This Pharmacy

common view is an online pharmacy that promises worldwide delivery for all of the products that it sells. No information is available on the pharmacy website about in what country there are based in. Although there is a phone number for the United States listed as well as live chat option on the website where you can supposedly get in contact with the team. We will be taking a look at this pharmaceutical website in this article to see if they are safe to buy your medication from.

Domain Details
Date of Registry2018-09-29
CountryUnited States
Main Details
Drugstore NameGet your pills and save on your bills
Regulatory Approvals
Contact Info
Free Number+1-888-523-7141
Contact Form
Shipping Methods
Standard Mail
Express Delivery
Free Shipping
Payment Options
E-Check or Personal Check
American Express, Western Union

Domain Info

The domain for this website was first registered on the 29th of September 2018 and the domain was last updated on the 30th of September 2019.

registered in 2018

Right now the site’s domain is set to expire on the 29th of September 2020.

There is no information available on the pharmacy website itself about how long they have been running for, regardless of this we can see from the publicly available information that this drugstore website is very new so it is a risky place to purchase from.

Business Profile

No information is available online or on the online drugstore about who owns and runs it, instead the only publicly available information shows that the site has been registered through a third-party company called Whois Privacy Corp. which is a company that is used by people who want to hide their identities when registering websites.

high trust rating

On Scamadviser, this online pharmacy has a trust score of only 75% which is likely to fall down further as the pharmacy website ages.

Regulatory Approval

While checking the databases available on the websites of regulatory bodies such as CIPA, MIPA and the CPA we were not able to find any information that showed that this online drugstore was an approved member of any of them.


On Legit Script, this e-commerce drugstore is rated as ‘rogue’ due to not meeting the ownership verification and also regulatory requirements.

Products and Pricing

A bonus system is available on this website that is supposed to award you when you continuously make an order on this site, furthermore, there are massive discounts the higher quantities of products that you buy in one order.

Best Selling Products on This Platform

It is very suspicious that this pharmaceutical website is able to offer such large discounts of between 30% all the way up to 90% while still turning a profit. This raises the possibility of this online pharmacy platform not operating legally.

  • Allergy, in the allergy product category you are able to find pills, inhalers as well as eye drops that can prevent and deal with the side effects of all the common non-life threatening allergies.
  • Diabetes, a common problem among all rich countries, in this section you can buy medication that can lower your glucose levels as well as help prevent diabetes type 2.
  • Eye drops, here you can buy high-quality eye drops for a variety of conditions such as hypotrichosis, glaucoma, and intraocular high pressure.
  • Hair loss, in this category both men and women can purchase pill-based products that help treat various hair loss conditions such as male pattern baldness.
  • Mental illness, in the mental illness category you can find medication for all types of common mental illnesses such as dementia, schizophrenia as well as anxiety.
pills for men

Payment and Shipping

On this drugstore website, there are two payment methods that you can choose from, the first is using popular escrow system ACH where you pay into a third party wallet and the funds are only released when you have received your product. The second method is using popular credit card processing companies such as Visa, Mastercard, and JCB.

discounts and free shipping

With shipping, there are also two options that you can choose from, the first is Standard shipping that takes between 14 and 21 days and costs $10 or you have the choice of Express shipping that takes between 5 and 9 days and it only costs $30.

Customer Reviews

No reviews can be found online about this e-commerce pharmacy on any third party websites which is most likely because the website is only around a year old and it does not get a lot of visitors.

fake and copied

However testimonials are featured on the online pharmacy that we are reviewing, the overwhelming majority of these testimonials are positive but you should look at them with high suspicion as they can be edited by the website that they are supposed to be reviewing.

Is Website a Scam or Legit?

This online drugstore is a scam that tries to convince its visitors using false and unproven information to try and get them to spend money on buying products.

On URL Void, this e-commerce drugstore has no warnings but this will likely change in the future as more and more people use the site over time.


To conclude, it is risky to use as your pharmacy of choice for your medication as they are operating outside of the law by not being part of any government-approved regulatory bodies.

Possible alternatives

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